Getting Started

This documentation is intended to explain how to compute ocean, solid Earth, load and pole tide variations using the set of pyTMD programs. See the background material and glossary for more information on the theory and methods used in pyTMD.

Tide Model Formats

Ocean and load tide constituent files are available from different modeling groups in different formats. pyTMD can access the harmonic constituents for the OTIS, GOT and FES families of ocean and load tide models. OTIS and ATLAS formatted data use binary files to store the constituent data for either heights (z) or zonal and meridional transports (u, v). They can be either a single file containing all the constituents (compact) or multiple files each containing a single constituent. Arctic Ocean models can be downloaded from the NSF ArcticData server using the program. CATS2008 can be downloaded from the US Antarctic Program (USAP) using the program. ATLAS netCDF formatted data use netCDF4 files for each constituent and variable type (z, u, v). GOT formatted data use ascii files for each height constituent (z). FES formatted data use either ascii (1999, 2004) or netCDF4 (2012, 2014) files for each constituent and variable type (z, u, v). The FES models can be downloaded using the program for users registered with AVISO.

Model Database

pyTMD comes parameterized with models for the prediction of tidal elevations and currents. All presently available models are stored within a JSON database:

>>> import pyTMD
>>> pyTMD.models.current.get('CATS2008')
{'format': 'OTIS', 'grid_file': 'CATS2008/grid_CATS2008','model_file': {'u': 'CATS2008/uv.CATS2008.out'}, 'name': 'CATS2008','projection': 'CATS2008', 'reference': '','type': ['u', 'v']}
>>> pyTMD.models.elevation.get('CATS2008')
{'format': 'OTIS', 'grid_file': 'CATS2008/grid_CATS2008','model_file': 'CATS2008/hf.CATS2008.out', 'name': 'CATS2008','projection': 'CATS2008', 'reference': '','type': 'z', 'variable': 'tide_ocean'}


pyTMD uses a tree structure for storing the tidal constituent data. This structure was chosen based on the different formats of each tide model. Presently, the following models and their directories are parameterized within pyTMD.

  • Circum-Antarctic Tidal Simulations [Padman2008]

    • CATS0201: <path_to_tide_models>/cats0201_tmd/

    • CATS2008: <path_to_tide_models>/CATS2008/

    • CATS2008_load: <path_to_tide_models>/CATS2008a_SPOTL_Load/

    • CATS2008-v2023: <path_to_tide_models>/CATS2008_v2023/

  • Arctic Ocean and Greenland Coast Tidal Simulations [Padman2004]

    • AODTM-5: <path_to_tide_models>/aodtm5_tmd/

    • AOTIM-5: <path_to_tide_models>/aotim5_tmd/

    • AOTIM-5-2018: <path_to_tide_models>/Arc5km2018/

    • Arc2kmTM: <path_to_tide_models>/Arc2kmTM/

    • Gr1km-v2: <path_to_tide_models>/greenlandTMD_v2/

  • TOPEX/POSEIDON global tide models [Egbert2002]

    • TPXO7.2: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO7.2_tmd/

    • TPXO7.2_load: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO7.2_load/

    • TPXO8-atlas: <path_to_tide_models>/tpxo8_atlas/

    • TPXO9.1: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO9.1/DATA/

    • TPXO9-atlas: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO9_atlas/

    • TPXO9-atlas-v2: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO9_atlas_v2/

    • TPXO9-atlas-v3: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO9_atlas_v3/

    • TPXO9-atlas-v4: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO9_atlas_v4/

    • TPXO9-atlas-v5: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO9_atlas_v5/

    • TPXO10-atlas-v2: <path_to_tide_models>/TPXO10_atlas_v2/

  • Global Ocean Tide models [Ray1999]

    • GOT4.7: <path_to_tide_models>/GOT4.7/grids_oceantide/

    • GOT4.7_load: <path_to_tide_models>/GOT4.7/grids_loadtide/

    • GOT4.8: <path_to_tide_models>/got4.8/grids_oceantide/

    • GOT4.8_load: <path_to_tide_models>/got4.8/grids_loadtide/

    • GOT4.10: <path_to_tide_models>/GOT4.10c/grids_oceantide/

    • GOT4.10_load: <path_to_tide_models>/GOT4.10c/grids_loadtide/

    • GOT5.5: <path_to_tide_models>/GOT5.5/ocean_tides/

    • GOT5.5_load: <path_to_tide_models>/GOT5.5/load_tides/

    • GOT5.6: <path_to_tide_models>/GOT5.6/ocean_tides/

    • RE14: <path_to_tide_models>/RE14_LongPeriodTides_rel/oceantides/

  • Finite Element Solution tide models [Lyard2020]

    • FES2014: <path_to_tide_models>/fes2014/ocean_tide/

    • FES2014_load: <path_to_tide_models>/fes2014/load_tide/

    • FES2022: <path_to_tide_models>/fes2022b/ocean_tide/

    • FES2022_load: <path_to_tide_models>/fes2022b/load_tide/

  • Empirical Ocean Tide models [HartDavis2020]

    • EOT20: <path_to_tide_models>/EOT20/ocean_tides/

    • EOT20_load: <path_to_tide_models>/EOT20/load_tides/

  • Hamburg direct data Assimilation Methods for Tides models [Taguchi2014]

For other tide models, the model parameters can be set with a model definition file. Note that any alternatively defined model will have to fit the file standard of a currently supported model.


For users wanting to compute tide corrections for use with numpy arrays or pandas dataframes pyTMD.compute is the place to start. These are a series of functions that take x, y, and time coordinates and compute the corresponding tidal elevation or currents.

>>> import pyTMD
>>> tide_h = pyTMD.compute.tide_elevations(x, y, delta_time, DIRECTORY=path_to_tide_models, MODEL='CATS2008', EPSG=3031, EPOCH=(2000,1,1,0,0,0), TYPE='drift', TIME='GPS', METHOD='spline', FILL_VALUE=np.nan)
>>> tide_uv = pyTMD.compute.tide_currents(x, y, delta_time, DIRECTORY=path_to_tide_models, MODEL='CATS2008', EPSG=3031, EPOCH=(2000,1,1,0,0,0), TYPE='drift', TIME='GPS', METHOD='spline', FILL_VALUE=np.nan)

For users wanting to calculate tidal elevations or currents for a series of files, the and programs cover most use cases. They take an input file (in csv, netCDF4, HDF5, parquet or geotiff formats) and compute the tidal elevations or currents (zonal and meridional) for each point. --directory <path_to_tide_models> --tide CATS2008 \
    --format HDF5 --variables t_sec lat lon h_cor --projection 4326 \
    --epoch 'seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00' --verbose --mode 0o775 \
    input_file.H5 output_file.H5 --directory <path_to_tide_models> --tide CATS2008 \
    --format geotiff --projection 3031 --type grid --epoch '2000-01-01T12:00:00' \
    --verbose --mode 0o775 input_file.tif output_file.tif --directory <path_to_tide_models> --tide CATS2008 \
    --format HDF5 --variables t_sec lat lon h_cor --projection 4326 \
    --epoch 'seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00' --verbose --mode 0o775 \
    input_file.H5 output_file.H5

Definition Files

For models not currently within the pyTMD database, the model parameters can be set with a definition file in JSON format. The JSON definition files follow a similar structure as the main pyTMD database, but for individual entries. The JSON format directly maps the parameter names with their values stored in the appropriate data type (strings, lists, numbers, booleans, etc). For FES-type models of currents, the two lists of model files (u and v) are stored in a name-value pair objects (similar to a python dictionary). While still human readable, the JSON format is both interoperable and more easily machine readable.

Each definition file should have name, format and type parameters. Each model type may also require specific sets of parameters for the individual model reader. For models with multiple constituent files, the files can be found using a glob string to search a directory.

  • OTIS, ATLAS-compact and TMD3

    • format: OTIS, ATLAS-compact or TMD3

    • grid_file: path to model grid file

    • model_file: path to model constituent file(s) or a glob string

    • name: tide model name

    • projection: model spatial projection.

    • type: z or u,v

  • ATLAS-netcdf

    • compressed: model files are gzip compressed

    • format: ATLAS-netcdf

    • grid_file: path to model grid file

    • model_file: path to model constituent files or a glob string

    • name: tide model name

    • scale: scaling factor for converting to output units

    • type: z or u,v

  • GOT-ascii and GOT-netcdf

    • compressed: model files are gzip compressed

    • format: GOT-ascii or GOT-netcdf

    • model_file: path to model constituent files or a glob string

    • name: tide model name

    • scale: scaling factor for converting to output units

    • type: z

  • FES-ascii and FES-netcdf

    • compressed: model files are gzip compressed

    • format: FES-ascii or FES-netcdf

    • model_file: path to model constituent files or a glob string

    • name: tide model name

    • scale: scaling factor for converting to output units

    • type: z or u,v

    • version: tide model version


The default time in pyTMD is days (UTC) since a given epoch. For ocean, load and equilibrium tide programs, the epoch is 1992-01-01T00:00:00. For pole tide programs, the epoch is 1858-11-17T00:00:00 (Modified Julian Days). pyTMD uses the timescale library to convert different time formats to the necessary time format of a given program. timescale can also parse date strings describing the units and epoch of relative times, or the calendar date of measurement for geotiff formats. timescale keeps updated tables of leap seconds for converting from GPS, LORAN and TAI times.

  • TAI time: International Atomic Time which is computed as the weighted average of several hundred atomic clocks.

  • UTC time: Coordinated Universal Time which is periodically adjusted to account for the difference between the definition of the second and the rotation of Earth.

  • GPS time: Atomic timing system for the Global Positioning System constellation of satellites monitored by the United States Naval Observatory (USNO). GPS time and UTC time were equal on January 6, 1980. TAI time is ahead of GPS time by 19 seconds.

  • LORAN time: Atomic timing system for the Loran-C chain transmitter sites used in terrestrial radionavigation. LORAN time and UTC time were equal on January 1, 1958. TAI time is ahead of LORAN time by 10 seconds.

timescale also keeps updated tables of delta times for converting between dynamic (TT) and universal (UT1) times. Delta times (TT - UT1) are the differences between Dynamic Time (TT) and Universal Time (UT1) [Meeus1998]. Universal Time (UT1) is based on the rotation of the Earth, which varies irregularly, and so UT1 is adjusted periodically. Dynamic Time (TT) is a uniform, monotonically increasing time standard based on atomic clocks that is used for the accurate calculation of celestial mechanics, orbits and ephemerides. Delta times can be added to Universal Time (UT1) values to convert to Dynamic Time (TT) values.

Spatial Coordinates

The default coordinate system in pyTMD is WGS84 geodetic coordinates in latitude and longitude. pyTMD uses pyproj to convert from different coordinate systems and datums. Some regional tide models are projected in a different coordinate system. These models have their coordinate reference system (CRS) information stored as PROJ descriptors in the JSON model database: For other projected models, a formatted coordinate reference system (CRS) descriptor (e.g. PROJ, WKT, or EPSG code) can be used. For all cases with projected models, pyTMD will convert from latitude and longitude to the model coordinate system to calculate the local tidal constants.


For converting from model coordinates, pyTMD uses spatial interpolation routines from scipy along with a built-in bilinear interpolation routine. The default interpolator uses a biharmonic spline function to interpolate from the model coordinate system to the output coordinates. There are options to use nearest and linear interpolators with the regular grid function. For coastal or near-grounded points, the model can be extrapolated using a nearest-neighbor routine. The default maximum extrapolation distance is 10 kilometers. This default distance may not be a large enough extrapolation for some applications and models. The extrapolation cutoff can be set to any distance in kilometers, but should be used with caution in cases such as narrow fjords or ice sheet grounding zones [Padman2018].


    1. Egbert and S. Y. Erofeeva, “Efficient Inverse Modeling of Barotropic Ocean Tides”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 19(2), 183–204, (2002). doi: 10.1175/1520-0426(2002)019<0183:EIMOBO>2.0.CO;2

    1. Hart-Davis, G. Piccioni, D. Dettmering, C. Schwatke, M. Passaro, and F. Seitz, “EOT20: a global ocean tide model from multi-mission satellite altimetry”, Earth System Science Data, 13(8), 3869–3884, (2020). doi: 10.5194/essd-13-3869-2021

    1. Lyard, D. J. Allain, M. Cancet, L. Carrère, and N. Picot, “FES2014 global ocean tides atlas: design and performances”, Ocean Science Discussions, in review, (2020). doi: 10.5194/os-2020-96

  1. Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd edition, 477 pp., (1998).

  1. Padman and S. Y. Erofeeva, “A barotropic inverse tidal model for the Arctic Ocean”, Geophysical Research Letters, 31(2), L02303. (2004). doi: 10.1029/2003GL019003

  1. Padman, S. Y. Erofeeva, and H. A. Fricker, “Improving Antarctic tide models by assimilation of ICESat laser altimetry over ice shelves”, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L22504, (2008). doi: 10.1029/2008GL035592

  1. Padman, M. R. Siegfried, and H. A. Fricker, “Ocean Tide Influences on the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets”, Reviews of Geophysics, 56, (2018). doi: 10.1002/2016RG000546

    1. Ray, “A Global Ocean Tide Model From TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimetry: GOT99.2”, NASA Technical Memorandum, NASA/TM–1999-209478.

  1. Taguchi, D. Stammer, and W. Zahel, “Inferring deep ocean tidal energy dissipation from the global high-resolution data-assimilative HAMTIDE model”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119, 4573–4592, (2014). doi: 10.1002/2013JC009766