Downloads the FES (Finite Element Solution) global tide model from AVISO
Decompresses the model tar files into the constituent files and auxiliary files
Must have data access to tide models from AVISO
FES outputs are licensed for scientific purposes only
Calling Sequence
usage: aviso_fes_tides.py [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
[--netrc NETRC] [--directory DIRECTORY]
[--tide TIDE [TIDE ...]] [--load] [--currents]
[--extrapolated] [--gzip] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
[--log] [--mode MODE]
Named Arguments
- --user, -U
Username for AVISO Login
- --password, -W
Password for AVISO Login
- --netrc, -N
Path to .netrc file for authentication
- --directory, -D
Working data directory
- --tide, -T
Possible choices: FES1999, FES2004, FES2012, FES2014, FES2022
FES tide model to download
- --load
Download load tide model outputs
- --currents
Download tide model current outputs
- --extrapolated
Download extrapolated tide model outputs
- --gzip, -G
Compress output ascii and netCDF4 tide files
- --timeout, -t
Timeout in seconds for blocking operations
- --log, -l
Output log file
- --mode, -M
Permission mode of directories and files downloaded