Source code for pyTMD.utilities

#!/usr/bin/env python
Written by Tyler Sutterley (04/2024)
Download and management utilities for syncing time and auxiliary files

    lxml: processing XML and HTML in Python

    Updated 04/2024: add wrapper to importlib for optional dependencies
    Updated 11/2023: updated ssl context to fix deprecation error
    Updated 06/2023: add functions to retrieve and revoke Earthdata tokens
    Updated 05/2023: add reify decorator for evaluation of properties
        make urs a keyword argument in CCDIS list and download functions
        add case for JPL kernel file download where local path is defined
    Updated 04/2023: using pathlib to define and expand paths
        added function to download ephemeride files from JPL SSD server
    Updated 03/2023: add basic variable typing to function inputs
    Updated 01/2023: updated SSL context to fix some deprecation warnings
    Updated 11/2022: added list program for IERS Bulletin-A https server
        use f-strings for formatting verbose or ascii output
    Updated 04/2022: updated docstrings to numpy documentation format
    Updated 10/2021: build python logging instance for handling verbose output
    Updated 09/2021: added generic list from Apache http server
    Updated 08/2021: added function to open a file path
    Updated 07/2021: add parser for converting file files to arguments
    Updated 03/2021: added sha1 option for retrieving file hashes
    Updated 01/2021: added username and password to ftp functions
        added ftp connection check
    Updated 12/2020: added file object keyword for downloads if verbose
        add url split function for creating url location lists
    Updated 11/2020: normalize source and destination paths in copy
        make context an optional keyword argument in from_http
    Updated 09/2020: copy from http and https to bytesIO object in chunks
        use netrc credentials if not entered from CDDIS functions
        generalize build opener function for different Earthdata instances
    Updated 08/2020: add GSFC CDDIS opener, login and download functions
    Written 08/2020
from __future__ import print_function, division, annotations

import sys
import os
import re
import io
import ssl
import json
import netrc
import ftplib
import shutil
import base64
import socket
import getpass
import inspect
import hashlib
import logging
import pathlib
import builtins
import warnings
import importlib
import posixpath
import subprocess
import lxml.etree
import calendar, time
import dateutil.parser
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    from urllib import quote_plus
    from cookielib import CookieJar
    import urllib2
    from urllib.parse import quote_plus
    from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
    import urllib.request as urllib2

# PURPOSE: get absolute path within a package from a relative path
[docs]def get_data_path(relpath: list | str | pathlib.Path): """ Get the absolute path within a package from a relative path Parameters ---------- relpath: list, str or pathlib.Path relative path """ # current file path filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename filepath = pathlib.Path(filename).absolute().parent if isinstance(relpath, list): # use *splat operator to extract from list return filepath.joinpath(*relpath) elif isinstance(relpath, (str, pathlib.Path)): return filepath.joinpath(relpath)
[docs]def import_dependency( name: str, extra: str = "", raise_exception: bool = False ): """ Import an optional dependency Adapted from ``pandas.compat._optional::import_optional_dependency`` Parameters ---------- name: str Module name extra: str, default "" Additional text to include in the ``ImportError`` message raise_exception: bool, default False Raise an ``ImportError`` if the module is not found Returns ------- module: obj Imported module """ # check if the module name is a string msg = f"Invalid module name: '{name}'; must be a string" assert isinstance(name, str), msg # try to import the module err = f"Missing optional dependency '{name}'. {extra}" module = None try: module = importlib.import_module(name) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as exc: if raise_exception: raise ImportError(err) from exc else: logging.debug(err) # return the module return module
[docs]class reify(object): """Class decorator that puts the result of the method it decorates into the instance""" def __init__(self, wrapped): self.wrapped = wrapped self.__name__ = wrapped.__name__ self.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__ def __get__(self, inst, objtype=None): if inst is None: return self val = self.wrapped(inst) setattr(inst, self.wrapped.__name__, val) return val
# PURPOSE: platform independent file opener
[docs]def file_opener(filename: str | pathlib.Path): """ Platform independent file opener Parameters ---------- filename: str or pathlib.Path path to file """ filename = pathlib.Path(filename).expanduser() if (sys.platform == "win32"): os.startfile(filename, "explore") elif (sys.platform == "darwin"):["open", filename]) else:["xdg-open", filename])
# PURPOSE: get the hash value of a file
[docs]def get_hash( local: str | io.IOBase | pathlib.Path, algorithm: str = 'MD5' ): """ Get the hash value from a local file or ``BytesIO`` object Parameters ---------- local: obj, str or pathlib.Path BytesIO object or path to file algorithm: str, default 'MD5' hashing algorithm for checksum validation - ``'MD5'``: Message Digest - ``'sha1'``: Secure Hash Algorithm """ # check if open file object or if local file exists if isinstance(local, io.IOBase): if (algorithm == 'MD5'): return hashlib.md5(local.getvalue()).hexdigest() elif (algorithm == 'sha1'): return hashlib.sha1(local.getvalue()).hexdigest() elif isinstance(local, (str, pathlib.Path)): # generate checksum hash for local file local = pathlib.Path(local).expanduser() # if file currently doesn't exist, return empty string if not local.exists(): return '' # open the local_file in binary read mode with'rb') as local_buffer: # generate checksum hash for a given type if (algorithm == 'MD5'): return hashlib.md5( elif (algorithm == 'sha1'): return hashlib.sha1( else: return ''
# PURPOSE: get the git hash value
[docs]def get_git_revision_hash( refname: str = 'HEAD', short: bool = False ): """ Get the ``git`` hash value for a particular reference Parameters ---------- refname: str, default HEAD Symbolic reference name short: bool, default False Return the shorted hash value """ # get path to .git directory from current file path filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename basepath = pathlib.Path(filename).absolute().parent.parent gitpath = basepath.joinpath('.git') # build command cmd = ['git', f'--git-dir={gitpath}', 'rev-parse'] cmd.append('--short') if short else None cmd.append(refname) # get output with warnings.catch_warnings(): return str(subprocess.check_output(cmd), encoding='utf8').strip()
# PURPOSE: get the current git status
[docs]def get_git_status(): """Get the status of a ``git`` repository as a boolean value """ # get path to .git directory from current file path filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename basepath = pathlib.Path(filename).absolute().parent.parent gitpath = basepath.joinpath('.git') # build command cmd = ['git', f'--git-dir={gitpath}', 'status', '--porcelain'] with warnings.catch_warnings(): return bool(subprocess.check_output(cmd))
# PURPOSE: recursively split a url path
[docs]def url_split(s: str): """ Recursively split a url path into a list Parameters ---------- s: str url string """ head, tail = posixpath.split(s) if head in ('http:','https:','ftp:','s3:'): return s, elif head in ('', posixpath.sep): return tail, return url_split(head) + (tail,)
# PURPOSE: convert file lines to arguments def convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line): """ Convert file lines to arguments Parameters ---------- arg_line: str line string containing a single argument and/or comments """ # remove commented lines and after argument comments for arg in re.sub(r'\#(.*?)$',r'',arg_line).split(): if not arg.strip(): continue yield arg # PURPOSE: build a logging instance with a specified name def build_logger(name: str, **kwargs): """ Builds a logging instance with the specified name Parameters ---------- name: str name of the logger format: str event description message format level: int, default logging.CRITICAL lowest-severity log message logger will handle propagate: bool, default False events logged will be passed to higher level handlers stream: obj or NoneType, default None specified stream to initialize StreamHandler """ # set default arguments kwargs.setdefault('format', '%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s') kwargs.setdefault('level', logging.CRITICAL) kwargs.setdefault('propagate',False) kwargs.setdefault('stream',None) # build logger logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(kwargs['level']) logger.propagate = kwargs['propagate'] # create and add handlers to logger if not logger.handlers: # create handler for logger handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=kwargs['stream']) formatter = logging.Formatter(kwargs['format']) handler.setFormatter(formatter) # add handler to logger logger.addHandler(handler) return logger # PURPOSE: convert Roman numerals to (Arabic) integers
[docs]def roman_to_int(roman: str): """ Converts a string from Roman numerals into an integer (Arabic) Parameters ---------- roman: str Roman numeral string """ # mapping between Roman and Arabic numerals roman_map = {'i':1, 'v':5, 'x':10, 'l':50, 'c':100, 'd':500, 'm':1000} # verify case roman = roman.lower() output = 0 # iterate through roman numerals in string and calculate total for i,s in enumerate(roman): if (i > 0) and (roman_map[s] > roman_map[roman[i-1]]): output += roman_map[s] - 2*roman_map[roman[i-1]] else: output += roman_map[s] # return the integer value return output
# PURPOSE: returns the Unix timestamp value for a formatted date string
[docs]def get_unix_time( time_string: str, format: str = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ): """ Get the Unix timestamp value for a formatted date string Parameters ---------- time_string: str formatted time string to parse format: str, default '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' format for input time string """ try: parsed_time = time.strptime(time_string.rstrip(), format) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass else: return calendar.timegm(parsed_time) # try parsing with dateutil try: parsed_time = dateutil.parser.parse(time_string.rstrip()) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None else: return parsed_time.timestamp()
# PURPOSE: output a time string in isoformat
[docs]def isoformat(time_string: str): """ Reformat a date string to ISO formatting Parameters ---------- time_string: str formatted time string to parse """ # try parsing with dateutil try: parsed_time = dateutil.parser.parse(time_string.rstrip()) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None else: return parsed_time.isoformat()
# PURPOSE: rounds a number to an even number less than or equal to original
[docs]def even(value: float): """ Rounds a number to an even number less than or equal to original Parameters ---------- value: float number to be rounded """ return 2*int(value//2)
# PURPOSE: rounds a number upward to its nearest integer
[docs]def ceil(value: float): """ Rounds a number upward to its nearest integer Parameters ---------- value: float number to be rounded upward """ return -int(-value//1)
# PURPOSE: make a copy of a file with all system information
[docs]def copy( source: str | pathlib.Path, destination: str | pathlib.Path, move: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ Copy or move a file with all system information Parameters ---------- source: str source file destination: str copied destination file move: bool, default False remove the source file """ source = pathlib.Path(source).expanduser().absolute() destination = pathlib.Path(destination).expanduser().absolute() # log source and destination'{str(source)} -->\n\t{str(destination)}') shutil.copyfile(source, destination) shutil.copystat(source, destination) # remove the original file if moving if move: source.unlink()
# PURPOSE: check ftp connection
[docs]def check_ftp_connection( HOST: str, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None ): """ Check internet connection with ftp host Parameters ---------- HOST: str remote ftp host username: str or NoneType ftp username password: str or NoneType ftp password """ # attempt to connect to ftp host try: f = ftplib.FTP(HOST) f.login(username, password) f.voidcmd("NOOP") except IOError: raise RuntimeError('Check internet connection') except ftplib.error_perm: raise RuntimeError('Check login credentials') else: return True
# PURPOSE: list a directory on a ftp host
[docs]def ftp_list( HOST: str | list, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, timeout: int | None = None, basename: bool = False, pattern: str | None = None, sort: bool = False ): """ List a directory on a ftp host Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list remote ftp host path split as list username: str or NoneType ftp username password: str or NoneType ftp password timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations basename: bool, default False return the file or directory basename instead of the full path pattern: str or NoneType, default None regular expression pattern for reducing list sort: bool, default False sort output list Returns ------- output: list items in a directory mtimes: list last modification times for items in the directory """ # verify inputs for remote ftp host if isinstance(HOST, str): HOST = url_split(HOST) # try to connect to ftp host try: ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST[0],timeout=timeout) except (socket.gaierror,IOError): raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to connect to {HOST[0]}') else: ftp.login(username,password) # list remote path output = ftp.nlst(posixpath.join(*HOST[1:])) # get last modified date of ftp files and convert into unix time mtimes = [None]*len(output) # iterate over each file in the list and get the modification time for i,f in enumerate(output): try: # try sending modification time command mdtm = ftp.sendcmd(f'MDTM {f}') except ftplib.error_perm: # directories will return with an error pass else: # convert the modification time into unix time mtimes[i] = get_unix_time(mdtm[4:], format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # reduce to basenames if basename: output = [posixpath.basename(i) for i in output] # reduce using regular expression pattern if pattern: i = [i for i,f in enumerate(output) if,f)] # reduce list of listed items and last modified times output = [output[indice] for indice in i] mtimes = [mtimes[indice] for indice in i] # sort the list if sort: i = [i for i,j in sorted(enumerate(output), key=lambda i: i[1])] # sort list of listed items and last modified times output = [output[indice] for indice in i] mtimes = [mtimes[indice] for indice in i] # close the ftp connection ftp.close() # return the list of items and last modified times return (output, mtimes)
# PURPOSE: download a file from a ftp host
[docs]def from_ftp( HOST: str | list, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, timeout: int | None = None, local: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, hash: str = '', chunk: int = 8192, verbose: bool = False, fid=sys.stdout, mode: oct = 0o775 ): """ Download a file from a ftp host Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list remote ftp host path username: str or NoneType ftp username password: str or NoneType ftp password timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations local: str, pathlib.Path or NoneType, default None path to local file hash: str, default '' MD5 hash of local file chunk: int, default 8192 chunk size for transfer encoding verbose: bool, default False print file transfer information fid: obj, default sys.stdout open file object to print if verbose mode: oct, default 0o775 permissions mode of output local file Returns ------- remote_buffer: obj BytesIO representation of file """ # create logger loglevel = logging.INFO if verbose else logging.CRITICAL logging.basicConfig(stream=fid, level=loglevel) # verify inputs for remote ftp host if isinstance(HOST, str): HOST = url_split(HOST) # try downloading from ftp try: # try to connect to ftp host ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST[0], timeout=timeout) except (socket.gaierror,IOError): raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to connect to {HOST[0]}') else: ftp.login(username,password) # remote path ftp_remote_path = posixpath.join(*HOST[1:]) # copy remote file contents to bytesIO object remote_buffer = io.BytesIO() ftp.retrbinary(f'RETR {ftp_remote_path}', remote_buffer.write, blocksize=chunk) # save file basename with bytesIO object remote_buffer.filename = HOST[-1] # generate checksum hash for remote file remote_hash = hashlib.md5(remote_buffer.getvalue()).hexdigest() # get last modified date of remote file and convert into unix time mdtm = ftp.sendcmd(f'MDTM {ftp_remote_path}') remote_mtime = get_unix_time(mdtm[4:], format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # compare checksums if local and (hash != remote_hash): # convert to absolute path local = pathlib.Path(local).expanduser().absolute() # create directory if non-existent local.parent.mkdir(mode=mode, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # print file information args = (posixpath.join(*HOST), str(local))'{0} -->\n\t{1}'.format(*args)) # store bytes to file using chunked transfer encoding with'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(remote_buffer, f, chunk) # change the permissions mode local.chmod(mode) # keep remote modification time of file and local access time os.utime(local, (local.stat().st_atime, remote_mtime)) # close the ftp connection ftp.close() # return the bytesIO object return remote_buffer
[docs]def _create_default_ssl_context() -> ssl.SSLContext: """Creates the default SSL context """ context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) _set_ssl_context_options(context) context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION return context
[docs]def _create_ssl_context_no_verify() -> ssl.SSLContext: """Creates an SSL context for unverified connections """ context = _create_default_ssl_context() context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE return context
[docs]def _set_ssl_context_options(context: ssl.SSLContext) -> None: """Sets the default options for the SSL context """ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10) or ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION_INFO >= (1, 1, 0, 7): context.minimum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_2 else: context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1
# default ssl context _default_ssl_context = _create_ssl_context_no_verify() # PURPOSE: check internet connection
[docs]def check_connection( HOST: str, context: ssl.SSLContext = _default_ssl_context, ): """ Check internet connection with http host Parameters ---------- HOST: str remote http host context: obj, default pyTMD.utilities._default_ssl_context SSL context for ``urllib`` opener object """ # attempt to connect to http host try: urllib2.urlopen(HOST, timeout=20, context=context) except urllib2.HTTPError as exc: logging.debug(exc.code) raise RuntimeError(exc.reason) from exc except urllib2.URLError as exc: logging.debug(exc.reason) raise RuntimeError('Check internet connection') from exc else: return True
# PURPOSE: list a directory on an Apache http Server
[docs]def http_list( HOST: str | list, timeout: int | None = None, context: ssl.SSLContext = _default_ssl_context, parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser(), format: str = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', pattern: str = '', sort: bool = False ): """ List a directory on an Apache http Server Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list remote http host path timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations context: obj, default pyTMD.utilities._default_ssl_context SSL context for ``urllib`` opener object parser: obj, default lxml.etree.HTMLParser() HTML parser for ``lxml`` format: str, default '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' format for input time string pattern: str, default '' regular expression pattern for reducing list sort: bool, default False sort output list Returns ------- colnames: list column names in a directory collastmod: list last modification times for items in the directory """ # verify inputs for remote http host if isinstance(HOST, str): HOST = url_split(HOST) # try listing from http try: # Create and submit request. request = urllib2.Request(posixpath.join(*HOST)) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout, context=context) except urllib2.HTTPError as exc: logging.debug(exc.code) raise RuntimeError(exc.reason) from exc except urllib2.URLError as exc: logging.debug(exc.reason) msg = 'List error from {0}'.format(posixpath.join(*HOST)) raise Exception(msg) from exc else: # read and parse request for files (column names and modified times) tree = lxml.etree.parse(response, parser) colnames = tree.xpath('//tr/td[not(@*)]//a/@href') # get the Unix timestamp value for a modification time collastmod = [get_unix_time(i,format=format) for i in tree.xpath('//tr/td[@align="right"][1]/text()')] # reduce using regular expression pattern if pattern: i = [i for i,f in enumerate(colnames) if, f)] # reduce list of column names and last modified times colnames = [colnames[indice] for indice in i] collastmod = [collastmod[indice] for indice in i] # sort the list if sort: i = [i for i,j in sorted(enumerate(colnames), key=lambda i: i[1])] # sort list of column names and last modified times colnames = [colnames[indice] for indice in i] collastmod = [collastmod[indice] for indice in i] # return the list of column names and last modified times return (colnames, collastmod)
# PURPOSE: download a file from a http host
[docs]def from_http( HOST: str | list, timeout: int | None = None, context: ssl.SSLContext = _default_ssl_context, local: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, hash: str = '', chunk: int = 16384, verbose: bool = False, fid = sys.stdout, mode: oct = 0o775 ): """ Download a file from a http host Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list remote http host path split as list timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations context: obj, default pyTMD.utilities._default_ssl_context SSL context for ``urllib`` opener object local: str, pathlib.Path or NoneType, default None path to local file hash: str, default '' MD5 hash of local file chunk: int, default 16384 chunk size for transfer encoding verbose: bool, default False print file transfer information fid: obj, default sys.stdout open file object to print if verbose mode: oct, default 0o775 permissions mode of output local file Returns ------- remote_buffer: obj BytesIO representation of file """ # create logger loglevel = logging.INFO if verbose else logging.CRITICAL logging.basicConfig(stream=fid, level=loglevel) # verify inputs for remote http host if isinstance(HOST, str): HOST = url_split(HOST) # try downloading from http try: # Create and submit request. request = urllib2.Request(posixpath.join(*HOST)) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout, context=context) except: raise Exception('Download error from {0}'.format(posixpath.join(*HOST))) else: # copy remote file contents to bytesIO object remote_buffer = io.BytesIO() shutil.copyfileobj(response, remote_buffer, chunk) # save file basename with bytesIO object remote_buffer.filename = HOST[-1] # generate checksum hash for remote file remote_hash = hashlib.md5(remote_buffer.getvalue()).hexdigest() # compare checksums if local and (hash != remote_hash): # convert to absolute path local = pathlib.Path(local).expanduser().absolute() # create directory if non-existent local.parent.mkdir(mode=mode, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # print file information args = (posixpath.join(*HOST), str(local))'{0} -->\n\t{1}'.format(*args)) # store bytes to file using chunked transfer encoding with'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(remote_buffer, f, chunk) # change the permissions mode local.chmod(mode) # return the bytesIO object return remote_buffer
# PURPOSE: attempt to build an opener with netrc
[docs]def attempt_login( urs: str, context=_default_ssl_context, password_manager: bool = True, get_ca_certs: bool = True, redirect: bool = True, authorization_header: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ attempt to build a urllib opener for NASA Earthdata Parameters ---------- urs: str Earthdata login URS 3 host context: obj, default pyTMD.utilities._default_ssl_context SSL context for ``urllib`` opener object password_manager: bool, default True Create password manager context using default realm get_ca_certs: bool, default True Get list of loaded “certification authority” certificates redirect: bool, default True Create redirect handler object authorization_header: bool, default False Add base64 encoded authorization header to opener username: str, default from environmental variable NASA Earthdata username password: str, default from environmental variable NASA Earthdata password retries: int, default 5 number of retry attempts netrc: str, default ~/.netrc path to .netrc file for authentication Returns ------- opener: obj OpenerDirector instance """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('username', os.environ.get('EARTHDATA_USERNAME')) kwargs.setdefault('password', os.environ.get('EARTHDATA_PASSWORD')) kwargs.setdefault('retries', 5) kwargs.setdefault('netrc', os.path.expanduser('~/.netrc')) try: # only necessary on jupyterhub os.chmod(kwargs['netrc'], 0o600) # try retrieving credentials from netrc username, _, password = netrc.netrc(kwargs['netrc']).authenticators(urs) except Exception as exc: # try retrieving credentials from environmental variables username, password = (kwargs['username'], kwargs['password']) pass # if username or password are not available if not username: username = builtins.input(f'Username for {urs}: ') if not password: prompt = f'Password for {username}@{urs}: ' password = getpass.getpass(prompt=prompt) # for each retry for retry in range(kwargs['retries']): # build an opener for urs with credentials opener = build_opener(username, password, context=context, password_manager=password_manager, get_ca_certs=get_ca_certs, redirect=redirect, authorization_header=authorization_header, urs=urs) # try logging in by check credentials try: check_credentials() except Exception as exc: pass else: return opener # reattempt login username = builtins.input(f'Username for {urs}: ') password = getpass.getpass(prompt=prompt) # reached end of available retries raise RuntimeError('End of Retries: Check NASA Earthdata credentials')
# PURPOSE: "login" to NASA Earthdata with supplied credentials
[docs]def build_opener( username: str, password: str, context=_default_ssl_context, password_manager: bool = True, get_ca_certs: bool = True, redirect: bool = True, authorization_header: bool = False, urs: str = '' ): """ Build ``urllib`` opener for NASA Earthdata with supplied credentials Parameters ---------- username: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata username password: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata password context: obj, default pyTMD.utilities._default_ssl_context SSL context for ``urllib`` opener object password_manager: bool, default True Create password manager context using default realm get_ca_certs: bool, default True Get list of loaded “certification authority” certificates redirect: bool, default True Create redirect handler object authorization_header: bool, default False Add base64 encoded authorization header to opener urs: str, default '' Earthdata login URS 3 host Returns ------- opener: obj ``OpenerDirector`` instance """ # handler = [] # create a password manager if password_manager: password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() # Add the username and password for NASA Earthdata Login system password_mgr.add_password(None, urs, username, password) handler.append(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)) # Create cookie jar for storing cookies. This is used to store and return # the session cookie given to use by the data server (otherwise will just # keep sending us back to Earthdata Login to authenticate). cookie_jar = CookieJar() handler.append(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)) # SSL context handler if get_ca_certs: context.get_ca_certs() handler.append(urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=context)) # redirect handler if redirect: handler.append(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler()) # create "opener" (OpenerDirector instance) opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handler) # Encode username/password for request authorization headers # add Authorization header to opener if authorization_header: b64 = base64.b64encode(f'{username}:{password}'.encode()) opener.addheaders = [("Authorization", f"Basic {b64.decode()}")] # Now all calls to urllib2.urlopen use our opener. urllib2.install_opener(opener) # All calls to urllib2.urlopen will now use handler # Make sure not to include the protocol in with the URL, or # HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm will be confused. return opener
# PURPOSE: generate a NASA Earthdata user token
[docs]def get_token( HOST: str = '', username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, build: bool = True, urs: str = '', ): """ Generate a NASA Earthdata User Token Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list NASA Earthdata token API host username: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata username password: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata password build: bool, default True Build opener and check WebDAV credentials timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations urs: str, default '' NASA Earthdata URS 3 host Returns ------- token: dict JSON response with NASA Earthdata User Token """ # attempt to build urllib2 opener and check credentials if build: attempt_login(urs, username=username, password=password, password_manager=False, get_ca_certs=False, redirect=False, authorization_header=True) # create post response with Earthdata token API try: request = urllib2.Request(HOST, method='POST') response = urllib2.urlopen(request) except urllib2.HTTPError as exc: logging.debug(exc.code) raise RuntimeError(exc.reason) from exc except urllib2.URLError as exc: logging.debug(exc.reason) raise RuntimeError('Check internet connection') from exc # read and return JSON response return json.loads(
# PURPOSE: generate a NASA Earthdata user token
[docs]def list_tokens( HOST: str = '', username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, build: bool = True, urs: str = '', ): """ List the current associated NASA Earthdata User Tokens Parameters ---------- HOST: str NASA Earthdata list token API host username: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata username password: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata password build: bool, default True Build opener and check WebDAV credentials timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations urs: str, default '' NASA Earthdata URS 3 host Returns ------- tokens: list JSON response with NASA Earthdata User Tokens """ # attempt to build urllib2 opener and check credentials if build: attempt_login(urs, username=username, password=password, password_manager=False, get_ca_certs=False, redirect=False, authorization_header=True) # create get response with Earthdata list tokens API try: request = urllib2.Request(HOST) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) except urllib2.HTTPError as exc: logging.debug(exc.code) raise RuntimeError(exc.reason) from exc except urllib2.URLError as exc: logging.debug(exc.reason) raise RuntimeError('Check internet connection') from exc # read and return JSON response return json.loads(
# PURPOSE: revoke a NASA Earthdata user token
[docs]def revoke_token( token: str, HOST: str = f'', username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, build: bool = True, urs: str = '', ): """ Generate a NASA Earthdata User Token Parameters ---------- token: str NASA Earthdata token to be revoked HOST: str NASA Earthdata revoke token API host username: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata username password: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata password build: bool, default True Build opener and check WebDAV credentials timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations urs: str, default '' NASA Earthdata URS 3 host """ # attempt to build urllib2 opener and check credentials if build: attempt_login(urs, username=username, password=password, password_manager=False, get_ca_certs=False, redirect=False, authorization_header=True) # full path for NASA Earthdata revoke token API url = f'{HOST}?token={token}' # create post response with Earthdata revoke tokens API try: request = urllib2.Request(url, method='POST') response = urllib2.urlopen(request) except urllib2.HTTPError as exc: logging.debug(exc.code) raise RuntimeError(exc.reason) from exc except urllib2.URLError as exc: logging.debug(exc.reason) raise RuntimeError('Check internet connection') from exc # verbose response logging.debug(f'Token Revoked: {token}')
# PURPOSE: check that entered NASA Earthdata credentials are valid
[docs]def check_credentials(): """ Check that entered NASA Earthdata credentials are valid """ try: remote_path = posixpath.join('','archive') request = urllib2.Request(url=remote_path) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=20) except urllib2.HTTPError as exc: logging.debug(exc.code) raise RuntimeError(exc.reason) from exc except urllib2.URLError as exc: logging.debug(exc.reason) raise RuntimeError('Check internet connection') from exc else: return True
# PURPOSE: list a directory on GSFC CDDIS https server
[docs]def cddis_list( HOST: str | list, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, build: bool = True, timeout: int | None = None, urs: str = '', parser=lxml.etree.HTMLParser(), pattern: str = '', sort: bool = False ): """ List a directory on GSFC CDDIS archive server Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list remote https host username: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata username password: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata password build: bool, default True Build opener and check Earthdata credentials timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations urs: str, default '' NASA Earthdata URS 3 host parser: obj, default lxml.etree.HTMLParser() HTML parser for ``lxml`` pattern: str, default '' regular expression pattern for reducing list sort: bool, default False sort output list Returns ------- colnames: list column names in a directory collastmod: list last modification times for items in the directory """ # use netrc credentials if build and not (username or password): username,_,password = netrc.netrc().authenticators(urs) # build urllib2 opener and check credentials if build: # build urllib2 opener with credentials build_opener(username, password) # check credentials check_credentials() # verify inputs for remote https host if isinstance(HOST, str): HOST = url_split(HOST) # Encode username/password for request authorization headers b64 = base64.b64encode(f'{username}:{password}'.encode()) authorization_header = f"Basic {b64.decode()}" # try listing from https try: # Create and submit request. request = urllib2.Request(posixpath.join(*HOST)) request.add_header("Authorization", authorization_header) tree = lxml.etree.parse(urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout), parser) except: raise Exception('List error from {0}'.format(posixpath.join(*HOST))) else: # read and parse request for files (column names and modified times) # find directories colnames = tree.xpath('//div[@class="archiveDir"]/div/a/text()') collastmod = [None]*(len(colnames)) # find files colnames.extend(tree.xpath('//div[@class="archiveItem"]/div/a/text()')) # get the Unix timestamp value for a modification time collastmod.extend([get_unix_time(i[:19], format='%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S') for i in tree.xpath('//div[@class="archiveItem"]/div/span/text()')]) # reduce using regular expression pattern if pattern: i = [i for i,f in enumerate(colnames) if, f)] # reduce list of column names and last modified times colnames = [colnames[indice] for indice in i] collastmod = [collastmod[indice] for indice in i] # sort the list if sort: i = [i for i,j in sorted(enumerate(colnames), key=lambda i: i[1])] # sort list of column names and last modified times colnames = [colnames[indice] for indice in i] collastmod = [collastmod[indice] for indice in i] # return the list of column names and last modified times return (colnames, collastmod)
# PURPOSE: download a file from a GSFC CDDIS https server
[docs]def from_cddis( HOST: str | list, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, build: bool = True, timeout: int | None = None, urs: str = '', local: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, hash: str = '', chunk: int = 16384, verbose: bool = False, fid=sys.stdout, mode: oct = 0o775 ): """ Download a file from GSFC CDDIS archive server Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list remote https host username: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata username password: str or NoneType, default None NASA Earthdata password build: bool, default True Build opener and check Earthdata credentials timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations urs: str, default '' NASA Earthdata URS 3 host local: str, pathlib.Path or NoneType, default None path to local file hash: str, default '' MD5 hash of local file chunk: int, default 16384 chunk size for transfer encoding verbose: bool, default False print file transfer information fid: obj, default sys.stdout open file object to print if verbose mode: oct, default 0o775 permissions mode of output local file Returns ------- remote_buffer: obj BytesIO representation of file """ # create logger loglevel = logging.INFO if verbose else logging.CRITICAL logging.basicConfig(stream=fid, level=loglevel) # use netrc credentials if build and not (username or password): username,_,password = netrc.netrc().authenticators(urs) # build urllib2 opener and check credentials if build: # build urllib2 opener with credentials build_opener(username, password) # check credentials check_credentials() # verify inputs for remote https host if isinstance(HOST, str): HOST = url_split(HOST) # Encode username/password for request authorization headers b64 = base64.b64encode(f'{username}:{password}'.encode()) authorization_header = f"Basic {b64.decode()}" # try downloading from https try: # Create and submit request. request = urllib2.Request(posixpath.join(*HOST)) request.add_header("Authorization", authorization_header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout) except: raise Exception('Download error from {0}'.format(posixpath.join(*HOST))) else: # copy remote file contents to bytesIO object remote_buffer = io.BytesIO() shutil.copyfileobj(response, remote_buffer, chunk) # save file basename with bytesIO object remote_buffer.filename = HOST[-1] # generate checksum hash for remote file remote_hash = hashlib.md5(remote_buffer.getvalue()).hexdigest() # compare checksums if local and (hash != remote_hash): # convert to absolute path local = pathlib.Path(local).expanduser().absolute() # create directory if non-existent local.parent.mkdir(mode=mode, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # print file information args = (posixpath.join(*HOST), str(local))'{0} -->\n\t{1}'.format(*args)) # store bytes to file using chunked transfer encoding with'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(remote_buffer, f, chunk) # change the permissions mode local.chmod(mode) # return the bytesIO object return remote_buffer
# PURPOSE: list a directory on IERS https Server
[docs]def iers_list( HOST: str | list, timeout: int | None = None, context: ssl.SSLContext = _default_ssl_context, parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser() ): """ List a directory on IERS Bulletin-A https server Parameters ---------- HOST: str or list remote http host path timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations context: obj, default pyTMD.utilities._default_ssl_context SSL context for ``urllib`` opener object parser: obj, default lxml.etree.HTMLParser() HTML parser for ``lxml`` Returns ------- colnames: list column names in a directory collastmod: list last modification times for items in the directory """ # verify inputs for remote http host if isinstance(HOST, str): HOST = url_split(HOST) # try listing from http try: # Create and submit request. request = urllib2.Request(posixpath.join(*HOST)) response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout, context=context) except urllib2.HTTPError as exc: logging.debug(exc.code) raise RuntimeError(exc.reason) from exc except urllib2.URLError as exc: logging.debug(exc.reason) msg = 'List error from {0}'.format(posixpath.join(*HOST)) raise Exception(msg) from exc else: # read and parse request for files (column names and modified times) tree = lxml.etree.parse(response, parser) colnames = tree.xpath('//tr/td[@class="$tdclass"][4]//a/@href') # get the Unix timestamp value for a modification time collastmod = [get_unix_time(i,format='%Y-%m-%d') for i in tree.xpath('//tr/td[@class="$tdclass"][2]/span/text()')] # sort list of column names and last modified times in reverse order # return the list of column names and last modified times return (colnames[::-1], collastmod[::-1])
[docs]def from_jpl_ssd( kernel='de440s.bsp', timeout: int | None = None, context: ssl.SSLContext = _default_ssl_context, local: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, hash: str = '', chunk: int = 16384, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 0o775 ): """ Download `planetary ephemeride kernels`__ from the JPL Solar System Dynamics server .. __: Parameters ---------- kernel: str JPL kernel file to download timeout: int or NoneType, default None timeout in seconds for blocking operations context: obj, default pyTMD.utilities._default_ssl_context SSL context for ``urllib`` opener object hash: str, default '' MD5 hash of local file chunk: int, default 16384 chunk size for transfer encoding verbose: bool, default False print file transfer information mode: oct, default 0o775 permissions mode of output local file """ # determine which kernel file to download if (local is None): # local path to kernel file local = get_data_path(['data',kernel]) elif (kernel is None) and (local is not None): # verify inputs for remote http host local = pathlib.Path(local).expanduser().absolute() kernel = # remote host path to kernel file HOST = ['','ftp','eph','planets','bsp',kernel] # get kernel file from remote host'Downloading JPL Planetary Ephemeride Kernel File') from_http(HOST, timeout=timeout, context=context, local=local, hash=hash, chunk=chunk, verbose=verbose, mode=mode)