Source code for pyTMD.spatial

#!/usr/bin/env python
Written by Tyler Sutterley (09/2024)

Utilities for reading, writing and operating on spatial data

    numpy: Scientific Computing Tools For Python
    netCDF4: Python interface to the netCDF C library
    h5py: Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format
    gdal: Pythonic interface to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL)
    pandas: Python Data Analysis Library
    PyArrow: Apache Arrow Python bindings
    PyYAML: YAML parser and emitter for Python
    shapely: PostGIS-ish operations outside a database context for Python
    timescale: Python tools for time and astronomical calculations

PROGRAM DEPENDENCIES: Coordinate Reference System (CRS) routines

    Updated 09/2024: deprecation fix case where an array is output to scalars
    Updated 08/2024: changed from 'geotiff' to 'GTiff' and 'cog' formats
        added functions to convert to and from East-North-Up coordinates
    Updated 07/2024: added functions to convert to and from DMS
    Updated 06/2024: added function to write parquet files with metadata
    Updated 05/2024: added function to read from parquet files
        allowing for decoding of the geometry column from WKB
        deprecation update to use exceptions with osgeo osr
    Updated 04/2024: use timescale for temporal operations
        use wrapper to importlib for optional dependencies
    Updated 03/2024: can calculate polar stereographic distortion for distances
    Updated 02/2024: changed class name for ellipsoid parameters to datum
    Updated 10/2023: can read from netCDF4 or HDF5 variable groups
        apply no formatting to columns in ascii file output
    Updated 09/2023: add function to invert field mapping keys and values
        use datetime64[ns] for parsing dates from ascii files
    Updated 08/2023: remove possible crs variables from output fields list
        place PyYAML behind try/except statement to reduce build size
    Updated 05/2023: use datetime parser within pyTMD.time module
    Updated 04/2023: copy inputs in cartesian to not modify original arrays
        added iterative methods for converting from cartesian to geodetic
        allow netCDF4 and HDF5 outputs to be appended to existing files
        using pathlib to define and expand paths
    Updated 03/2023: add basic variable typing to function inputs
    Updated 02/2023: use outputs from constants class for WGS84 parameters
        include more possible dimension names for gridded and drift outputs
    Updated 01/2023: added default field mapping for reading from netCDF4/HDF5
        split netCDF4 output into separate functions for grid and drift types
    Updated 12/2022: add software information to output HDF5 and netCDF4
    Updated 11/2022: place some imports within try/except statements
        added encoding for writing ascii files
        use f-strings for formatting verbose or ascii output
    Updated 10/2022: added datetime parser for ascii time columns
    Updated 06/2022: added field_mapping options to netCDF4 and HDF5 reads
        added from_file wrapper function to read from particular formats
    Updated 04/2022: add option to reduce input GDAL raster datasets
        updated docstrings to numpy documentation format
        use gzip virtual filesystem for reading compressed geotiffs
        include utf-8 encoding in reads to be windows compliant
    Updated 03/2022: add option to specify output GDAL driver
    Updated 01/2022: use iteration breaks in convert ellipsoid function
        remove fill_value attribute after creating netCDF4 and HDF5 variables
    Updated 11/2021: added empty cases to netCDF4 and HDF5 output for crs
        try to get grid mapping attributes from netCDF4 and HDF5
    Updated 10/2021: add pole case in stereographic area scale calculation
        using python logging for handling verbose output
    Updated 09/2021: can calculate height differences between ellipsoids
    Updated 07/2021: added function for determining input variable type
    Updated 03/2021: added polar stereographic area scale calculation
        add routines for converting to and from cartesian coordinates
        replaced numpy bool/int to prevent deprecation warnings
    Updated 01/2021: add streaming from bytes for ascii, netCDF4, HDF5, geotiff
        set default time for geotiff files to 0
    Updated 12/2020: added module for converting ellipsoids
    Updated 11/2020: output data as masked arrays if containing fill values
        add functions to read from and write to geotiff image formats
    Written 09/2020
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import io
import copy
import gzip
import json
import uuid
import logging
import pathlib
import warnings
import datetime
import collections
import numpy as np
from import datum
from pyTMD.utilities import import_dependency
import pyTMD.version
import timescale.time

# attempt imports
osgeo = import_dependency('osgeo')
osgeo.gdal = import_dependency('osgeo.gdal')
osgeo.osr = import_dependency('osgeo.osr')
osgeo.gdalconst = import_dependency('osgeo.gdalconst')
h5py = import_dependency('h5py')
netCDF4 = import_dependency('netCDF4')
pd = import_dependency('pandas')
pyarrow = import_dependency('pyarrow')
pyarrow.parquet = import_dependency('pyarrow.parquet')
shapely = import_dependency('shapely')
shapely.geometry = import_dependency('shapely.geometry')
yaml = import_dependency('yaml')

__all__ = [

[docs] def case_insensitive_filename(filename: str | pathlib.Path): """ Searches a directory for a filename without case dependence Parameters ---------- filename: str input filename """ # check if file presently exists with input case filename = pathlib.Path(filename).expanduser().absolute() if not filename.exists(): # search for filename without case dependence f = [ for f in filename.parent.iterdir() if re.match(,, re.I)] # raise error if no file found if not f: raise FileNotFoundError(str(filename)) filename = filename.with_name(f.pop()) # return the matched filename return filename
[docs] def data_type(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, t: np.ndarray) -> str: """ Determines input data type based on variable dimensions Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray x-dimension coordinates y: np.ndarray y-dimension coordinates t: np.ndarray time-dimension coordinates Returns ------- string denoting input data type - ``'time series'`` - ``'drift'`` - ``'grid'`` """ xsize = np.size(x) ysize = np.size(y) tsize = np.size(t) if (xsize == 1) and (ysize == 1) and (tsize >= 1): return 'time series' elif (xsize == ysize) & (xsize == tsize): return 'drift' elif (np.ndim(x) > 1) & (xsize == ysize): return 'grid' elif (xsize != ysize): return 'grid' else: raise ValueError('Unknown data type')
[docs] def from_file(filename: str, format: str, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function for reading data from an input format Parameters ---------- filename: str full path of input file format: str format of input file **kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for file reader """ # read input file to extract spatial coordinates and data if (format == 'ascii'): dinput = from_ascii(filename, **kwargs) elif (format == 'netCDF4'): dinput = from_netCDF4(filename, **kwargs) elif (format == 'HDF5'): dinput = from_HDF5(filename, **kwargs) elif format in ('GTiff','cog'): dinput = from_geotiff(filename, **kwargs) elif (format == 'parquet'): dinput = from_parquet(filename, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid format {format}') return dinput
[docs] def from_ascii(filename: str, **kwargs): """ Read data from an ascii file Parameters ---------- filename: str full path of input ascii file compression: str or NoneType, default None file compression type columns: list, default ['time', 'y', 'x', 'data'] column names of ascii file delimiter: str, default ',' Delimiter for csv or ascii files header: int, default 0 header lines to skip from start of file parse_dates: bool, default False Try parsing the time column """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('compression', None) kwargs.setdefault('columns', ['time', 'y', 'x', 'data']) kwargs.setdefault('delimiter', ',') kwargs.setdefault('header', 0) kwargs.setdefault('parse_dates', False) # print filename # get column names columns = copy.copy(kwargs['columns']) # open the ascii file and extract contents if (kwargs['compression'] == 'gzip'): # read input ascii data from gzip compressed file and split lines filename = case_insensitive_filename(filename) with, 'r') as f: file_contents ='ISO-8859-1').splitlines() elif (kwargs['compression'] == 'bytes'): # read input file object and split lines file_contents = else: # read input ascii file (.txt, .asc) and split lines filename = case_insensitive_filename(filename) with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f: file_contents = # number of lines in the file file_lines = len(file_contents) # compile regular expression operator for extracting numerical values # from input ascii files of spatial data regex_pattern = r'[-+]?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.?))(?:[EeD][+-]?\d+)?' rx = re.compile(regex_pattern, re.VERBOSE) # check if header has a known format if (str(kwargs['header']).upper() == 'YAML'): # counts the number of lines in the header YAML = False count = 0 # Reading over header text while (YAML is False) & (count < file_lines): # file line at count line = file_contents[count] # if End of YAML Header is found: set YAML flag YAML = bool("\# End of YAML header", line)) # add 1 to counter count += 1 # parse the YAML header (specifying yaml loader) YAML_HEADER = yaml.load('\n'.join(file_contents[:count]), Loader=yaml.BaseLoader) # output spatial data and attributes dinput = {} # copy global attributes dinput['attributes'] = YAML_HEADER['header']['global_attributes'] # allocate for each variable and copy variable attributes for c in columns: if (c == 'time') and kwargs['parse_dates']: dinput[c] = np.zeros((file_lines-count), dtype='datetime64[ns]') else: dinput[c] = np.zeros((file_lines-count)) dinput['attributes'][c] = YAML_HEADER['header']['variables'][c] # update number of file lines to skip for reading data header = int(count) else: # allocate for each variable and variable attributes dinput = {} header = int(kwargs['header']) for c in columns: if (c == 'time') and kwargs['parse_dates']: dinput[c] = np.zeros((file_lines-header), dtype='datetime64[ns]') else: dinput[c] = np.zeros((file_lines-header)) dinput['attributes'] = {c:dict() for c in columns} # extract spatial data array # for each line in the file for i, line in enumerate(file_contents[header:]): # extract columns of interest and assign to dict # convert fortran exponentials if applicable if kwargs['delimiter']: column = {c:l.replace('D', 'E') for c, l in zip(columns, line.split(kwargs['delimiter']))} else: column = {c:r.replace('D', 'E') for c, r in zip(columns, rx.findall(line))} # copy variables from column dict to output dictionary for c in columns: if (c == 'time') and kwargs['parse_dates']: dinput[c][i] = timescale.time.parse(column[c]) else: dinput[c][i] = np.float64(column[c]) # convert to masked array if fill values if 'data' in dinput.keys() and '_FillValue' in dinput['attributes']['data'].keys(): dinput['data'] =['data']) dinput['data'].fill_value = dinput['attributes']['data']['_FillValue'] dinput['data'].mask = (dinput['data'].data == dinput['data'].fill_value) # return the spatial variables return dinput
[docs] def from_netCDF4(filename: str, **kwargs): """ Read data from a netCDF4 file Parameters ---------- filename: str full path of input netCDF4 file compression: str or NoneType, default None file compression type group: str or NoneType, default None netCDF4 variable group timename: str, default 'time' name for time-dimension variable xname: str, default 'lon' name for x-dimension variable yname: str, default 'lat' name for y-dimension variable varname: str, default 'data' name for data variable field_mapping: dict, default {} mapping between output variables and input netCDF4 """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('compression', None) kwargs.setdefault('group', None) kwargs.setdefault('timename', 'time') kwargs.setdefault('xname', 'lon') kwargs.setdefault('yname', 'lat') kwargs.setdefault('varname', 'data') kwargs.setdefault('field_mapping', {}) # read data from netCDF4 file # Open the NetCDF4 file for reading if (kwargs['compression'] == 'gzip'): # read as in-memory (diskless) netCDF4 dataset with, 'r') as f: fileID = netCDF4.Dataset(uuid.uuid4().hex, elif (kwargs['compression'] == 'bytes'): # read as in-memory (diskless) netCDF4 dataset fileID = netCDF4.Dataset(uuid.uuid4().hex, else: # read netCDF4 dataset fileID = netCDF4.Dataset(case_insensitive_filename(filename), 'r') # Output NetCDF file information # create python dictionary for output variables and attributes dinput = {} dinput['attributes'] = {} # get attributes for the file for attr in ['title', 'description', 'projection']: # try getting the attribute try: ncattr, = [s for s in fileID.ncattrs() if re.match(attr, s, re.I)] dinput['attributes'][attr] = fileID.getncattr(ncattr) except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass # list of attributes to attempt to retrieve from included variables attributes_list = ['description', 'units', 'long_name', 'calendar', 'standard_name', 'grid_mapping', '_FillValue'] # mapping between netCDF4 variable names and output names if not kwargs['field_mapping']: kwargs['field_mapping']['x'] = copy.copy(kwargs['xname']) kwargs['field_mapping']['y'] = copy.copy(kwargs['yname']) if kwargs['varname'] is not None: kwargs['field_mapping']['data'] = copy.copy(kwargs['varname']) if kwargs['timename'] is not None: kwargs['field_mapping']['time'] = copy.copy(kwargs['timename']) # check if reading from root group or sub-group group = fileID.groups[kwargs['group']] if kwargs['group'] else fileID # for each variable for key, nc in kwargs['field_mapping'].items(): # Getting the data from each NetCDF variable dinput[key] = group.variables[nc][:] # get attributes for the included variables dinput['attributes'][key] = {} for attr in attributes_list: # try getting the attribute try: ncattr, = [s for s in group.variables[nc].ncattrs() if re.match(attr, s, re.I)] dinput['attributes'][key][attr] = \ group.variables[nc].getncattr(ncattr) except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass # get projection information if there is a grid_mapping attribute if 'data' in dinput.keys() and 'grid_mapping' in dinput['attributes']['data'].keys(): # try getting the attribute grid_mapping = dinput['attributes']['data']['grid_mapping'] # get coordinate reference system attributes dinput['attributes']['crs'] = {} for att_name in group[grid_mapping].ncattrs(): dinput['attributes']['crs'][att_name] = \ group.variables[grid_mapping].getncattr(att_name) # get the spatial projection reference information from wkt # and overwrite the file-level projection attribute (if existing) osgeo.osr.UseExceptions() srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(dinput['attributes']['crs']['crs_wkt']) dinput['attributes']['projection'] = srs.ExportToProj4() # convert to masked array if fill values if 'data' in dinput.keys() and '_FillValue' in dinput['attributes']['data'].keys(): dinput['data'] =['data']) dinput['data'].fill_value = dinput['attributes']['data']['_FillValue'] dinput['data'].mask = (dinput['data'].data == dinput['data'].fill_value) # Closing the NetCDF file fileID.close() # return the spatial variables return dinput
[docs] def from_HDF5(filename: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs): """ Read data from a HDF5 file Parameters ---------- filename: str full path of input HDF5 file compression: str or NoneType, default None file compression type group: str or NoneType, default None netCDF4 variable group timename: str, default 'time' name for time-dimension variable xname: str, default 'lon' name for x-dimension variable yname: str, default 'lat' name for y-dimension variable varname: str, default 'data' name for data variable field_mapping: dict, default {} mapping between output variables and input HDF5 """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('compression', None) kwargs.setdefault('group', None) kwargs.setdefault('timename', 'time') kwargs.setdefault('xname', 'lon') kwargs.setdefault('yname', 'lat') kwargs.setdefault('varname', 'data') kwargs.setdefault('field_mapping', {}) # read data from HDF5 file # Open the HDF5 file for reading if (kwargs['compression'] == 'gzip'): # read gzip compressed file and extract into in-memory file object with, 'r') as f: fid = io.BytesIO( # set filename of BytesIO object fid.filename = # rewind to start of file # read as in-memory (diskless) HDF5 dataset from BytesIO object fileID = h5py.File(fid, 'r') elif (kwargs['compression'] == 'bytes'): # read as in-memory (diskless) HDF5 dataset fileID = h5py.File(filename, 'r') else: # read HDF5 dataset fileID = h5py.File(case_insensitive_filename(filename), 'r') # Output HDF5 file information # create python dictionary for output variables and attributes dinput = {} dinput['attributes'] = {} # get attributes for the file for attr in ['title', 'description', 'projection']: # try getting the attribute try: dinput['attributes'][attr] = fileID.attrs[attr] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass # list of attributes to attempt to retrieve from included variables attributes_list = ['description', 'units', 'long_name', 'calendar', 'standard_name', 'grid_mapping', '_FillValue'] # mapping between HDF5 variable names and output names if not kwargs['field_mapping']: kwargs['field_mapping']['x'] = copy.copy(kwargs['xname']) kwargs['field_mapping']['y'] = copy.copy(kwargs['yname']) if kwargs['varname'] is not None: kwargs['field_mapping']['data'] = copy.copy(kwargs['varname']) if kwargs['timename'] is not None: kwargs['field_mapping']['time'] = copy.copy(kwargs['timename']) # check if reading from root group or sub-group group = fileID[kwargs['group']] if kwargs['group'] else fileID # for each variable for key, h5 in kwargs['field_mapping'].items(): # Getting the data from each HDF5 variable dinput[key] = np.copy(group[h5][:]) # get attributes for the included variables dinput['attributes'][key] = {} for attr in attributes_list: # try getting the attribute try: dinput['attributes'][key][attr] = group[h5].attrs[attr] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass # get projection information if there is a grid_mapping attribute if 'data' in dinput.keys() and 'grid_mapping' in dinput['attributes']['data'].keys(): # try getting the attribute grid_mapping = dinput['attributes']['data']['grid_mapping'] # get coordinate reference system attributes dinput['attributes']['crs'] = {} for att_name, att_val in group[grid_mapping].attrs.items(): dinput['attributes']['crs'][att_name] = att_val # get the spatial projection reference information from wkt # and overwrite the file-level projection attribute (if existing) osgeo.osr.UseExceptions() srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(dinput['attributes']['crs']['crs_wkt']) dinput['attributes']['projection'] = srs.ExportToProj4() # convert to masked array if fill values if 'data' in dinput.keys() and '_FillValue' in dinput['attributes']['data'].keys(): dinput['data'] =['data']) dinput['data'].fill_value = dinput['attributes']['data']['_FillValue'] dinput['data'].mask = (dinput['data'].data == dinput['data'].fill_value) # Closing the HDF5 file fileID.close() # return the spatial variables return dinput
[docs] def from_geotiff(filename: str, **kwargs): """ Read data from a geotiff file Parameters ---------- filename: str full path of input geotiff file compression: str or NoneType, default None file compression type bounds: list or NoneType, default bounds extent of the file to read: ``[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]`` """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('compression', None) kwargs.setdefault('bounds', None) # Open the geotiff file for reading if (kwargs['compression'] == 'gzip'): # read as GDAL gzip virtual geotiff dataset mmap_name = f"/vsigzip/{str(case_insensitive_filename(filename))}" ds = osgeo.gdal.Open(mmap_name) elif (kwargs['compression'] == 'bytes'): # read as GDAL memory-mapped (diskless) geotiff dataset mmap_name = f"/vsimem/{uuid.uuid4().hex}" osgeo.gdal.FileFromMemBuffer(mmap_name, ds = osgeo.gdal.Open(mmap_name) else: # read geotiff dataset ds = osgeo.gdal.Open(str(case_insensitive_filename(filename)), osgeo.gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) # print geotiff file if verbose # create python dictionary for output variables and attributes dinput = {} dinput['attributes'] = {c:dict() for c in ['x', 'y', 'data']} # get the spatial projection reference information srs = ds.GetSpatialRef() dinput['attributes']['projection'] = srs.ExportToProj4() dinput['attributes']['wkt'] = srs.ExportToWkt() # get dimensions xsize = ds.RasterXSize ysize = ds.RasterYSize bsize = ds.RasterCount # get geotiff info info_geotiff = ds.GetGeoTransform() dinput['attributes']['spacing'] = (info_geotiff[1], info_geotiff[5]) # calculate image extents xmin = info_geotiff[0] ymax = info_geotiff[3] xmax = xmin + (xsize-1)*info_geotiff[1] ymin = ymax + (ysize-1)*info_geotiff[5] # x and y pixel center coordinates (converted from upper left) x = xmin + info_geotiff[1]/2.0 + np.arange(xsize)*info_geotiff[1] y = ymax + info_geotiff[5]/2.0 + np.arange(ysize)*info_geotiff[5] # if reducing to specified bounds if kwargs['bounds'] is not None: # reduced x and y limits xlimits = (kwargs['bounds'][0], kwargs['bounds'][1]) ylimits = (kwargs['bounds'][2], kwargs['bounds'][3]) # Specify offset and rows and columns to read xoffset = int((xlimits[0] - xmin)/info_geotiff[1]) yoffset = int((ymax - ylimits[1])/np.abs(info_geotiff[5])) xcount = int((xlimits[1] - xlimits[0])/info_geotiff[1]) + 1 ycount = int((ylimits[1] - ylimits[0])/np.abs(info_geotiff[5])) + 1 # reduced x and y pixel center coordinates dinput['x'] = x[slice(xoffset, xoffset + xcount, None)] dinput['y'] = y[slice(yoffset, yoffset + ycount, None)] # read reduced image with GDAL dinput['data'] = ds.ReadAsArray(xoff=xoffset, yoff=yoffset, xsize=xcount, ysize=ycount) # reduced image extent (converted back to upper left) xmin = np.min(dinput['x']) - info_geotiff[1]/2.0 xmax = np.max(dinput['x']) - info_geotiff[1]/2.0 ymin = np.min(dinput['y']) - info_geotiff[5]/2.0 ymax = np.max(dinput['y']) - info_geotiff[5]/2.0 else: # x and y pixel center coordinates dinput['x'] = np.copy(x) dinput['y'] = np.copy(y) # read full image with GDAL dinput['data'] = ds.ReadAsArray() # image extent dinput['attributes']['extent'] = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # set default time to zero for each band dinput.setdefault('time', np.zeros((bsize))) # check if image has fill values dinput['data'] =['data']) dinput['data'].mask = np.zeros_like(dinput['data'], dtype=bool) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue(): # mask invalid values dinput['data'].fill_value = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() # create mask array for bad values dinput['data'].mask[:] = (dinput['data'].data == dinput['data'].fill_value) # set attribute for fill value dinput['attributes']['data']['_FillValue'] = dinput['data'].fill_value # close the dataset ds = None # return the spatial variables return dinput
[docs] def from_parquet(filename: str, **kwargs): """ Read data from a parquet file Parameters ---------- filename: str full path of input parquet file index: str, default 'time' name of index column columns: list or None, default None column names of parquet file primary_column: str, default 'geometry' default geometry column in geoparquet files geometry_encoding: str, default 'WKB' default encoding for geoparquet files """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('index', 'time') kwargs.setdefault('columns', None) kwargs.setdefault('primary_column', 'geometry') kwargs.setdefault('geometry_encoding', 'WKB') filename = case_insensitive_filename(filename) # read input parquet file dinput = pd.read_parquet(filename) # reset the dataframe index if not a range index if not isinstance(dinput.index, pd.RangeIndex): dinput.reset_index(inplace=True, names=kwargs['index']) # output parquet file information attr = {} # get parquet file metadata metadata = pyarrow.parquet.read_metadata(filename).metadata # decode parquet metadata from JSON for att_name, val in metadata.items(): try: att_val = json.loads(val.decode('utf-8')) attr[att_name.decode('utf-8')] = att_val except Exception as exc: pass # check if parquet file contains geometry metadata attr['geoparquet'] = False primary_column = kwargs['primary_column'] encoding = kwargs['geometry_encoding'] if 'geo' in attr.keys(): # extract crs and encoding from geoparquet metadata primary_column = attr['geo']['primary_column'] crs_metadata = attr['geo']['columns'][primary_column]['crs'] encoding = attr['geo']['columns'][primary_column]['encoding'] attr['geometry_encoding'] = encoding # create spatial reference object from PROJJSON osgeo.osr.UseExceptions() srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference() srs.SetFromUserInput(json.dumps(crs_metadata)) # add projection information to attributes attr['projection'] = srs.ExportToProj4() attr['wkt'] = srs.ExportToWkt() elif 'pyTMD' in attr.keys(): # extract crs from pyTMD metadata crs_metadata = attr['pyTMD']['crs'] # create spatial reference object from PROJJSON osgeo.osr.UseExceptions() srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference() srs.SetFromUserInput(json.dumps(crs_metadata)) # add projection information to attributes attr['projection'] = srs.ExportToProj4() attr['wkt'] = srs.ExportToWkt() # extract x and y coordinates if (encoding == 'WKB') and (primary_column in dinput.keys()): # set as geoparquet file attr['geoparquet'] = True # decode geometry column from WKB geometry = shapely.from_wkb(dinput[primary_column].values) dinput['x'] = shapely.get_x(geometry) dinput['y'] = shapely.get_y(geometry) # remap columns to default names if kwargs['columns'] is not None: field_mapping = default_field_mapping(kwargs['columns']) remap = inverse_mapping(field_mapping) dinput.rename(columns=remap, inplace=True) # return the data and attributes dinput.attrs = copy.copy(attr) return dinput
[docs] def to_file( output: dict, attributes: dict, filename: str | pathlib.Path, format: str, **kwargs ): """ Wrapper function for writing data to an output format Parameters ---------- output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes filename: str or pathlib.Path, full path of output file format: str format of output file **kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for file writer """ # read input file to extract spatial coordinates and data if (format == 'ascii'): to_ascii(output, attributes, filename, **kwargs) elif (format == 'netCDF4'): to_netCDF4(output, attributes, filename, **kwargs) elif (format == 'HDF5'): to_HDF5(output, attributes, filename, **kwargs) elif format in ('GTiff','cog'): to_geotiff(output, attributes, filename, **kwargs) elif (format == 'parquet'): to_parquet(output, attributes, filename, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid format {format}')
[docs] def to_ascii( output: dict, attributes: dict, filename: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs ): """ Write data to an ascii file Parameters ---------- output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes filename: str or pathlib.Path full path of output ascii file delimiter: str, default ',' delimiter for output spatial file columns: list, default ['time', 'y', 'x', 'data'] column names of ascii file header: bool, default False create a YAML header with data attributes """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('delimiter', ',') kwargs.setdefault('columns', ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'tide']) kwargs.setdefault('header', False) # get column names columns = copy.copy(kwargs['columns']) # output filename filename = pathlib.Path(filename).expanduser().absolute() # open the output file fid ='w', encoding='utf8') # create a column stack arranging data in column order data_stack = np.c_[[output[col] for col in columns]] ncol, nrow = np.shape(data_stack) # print YAML header to top of file if kwargs['header']: fid.write('{0}:\n'.format('header')) # data dimensions fid.write('\n {0}:\n'.format('dimensions')) fid.write(' {0:22}: {1:d}\n'.format('time', nrow)) # non-standard attributes fid.write(' {0}:\n'.format('non-standard_attributes')) # data format fid.write(' {0:22}: ({1:d}f0.8)\n'.format('formatting_string', ncol)) fid.write('\n') # global attributes fid.write('\n {0}:\n'.format('global_attributes')) today = fid.write(' {0:22}: {1}\n'.format('date_created', today)) # print variable descriptions to YAML header fid.write('\n {0}:\n'.format('variables')) # print YAML header with variable attributes for i, v in enumerate(columns): fid.write(' {0:22}:\n'.format(v)) for atn, atv in attributes[v].items(): fid.write(' {0:20}: {1}\n'.format(atn, atv)) # add precision and column attributes for ascii yaml header fid.write(' {0:20}: double_precision\n'.format('precision')) fid.write(' {0:20}: column {1:d}\n'.format('comment', i+1)) # end of header fid.write('\n\n# End of YAML header\n') # write to file for each data point for line in range(nrow): line_contents = [f'{d}' for d in data_stack[:, line]] print(kwargs['delimiter'].join(line_contents), file=fid) # close the output file fid.close()
[docs] def to_netCDF4( output: dict, attributes: dict, filename: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs ): """ Wrapper function for writing data to a netCDF4 file Parameters ---------- output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes filename: str or pathlib.Path full path of output netCDF4 file mode: str, default 'w' NetCDF file mode data_type: str, default 'drift' Input data type - ``'time series'`` - ``'drift'`` - ``'grid'`` """ # default arguments kwargs.setdefault('mode', 'w') kwargs.setdefault('data_type', 'drift') # opening NetCDF file for writing filename = pathlib.Path(filename).expanduser().absolute() fileID = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, kwargs['mode'], format="NETCDF4") if kwargs['data_type'] in ('drift',): kwargs.pop('data_type') _drift_netCDF4(fileID, output, attributes, **kwargs) elif kwargs['data_type'] in ('grid',): kwargs.pop('data_type') _grid_netCDF4(fileID, output, attributes, **kwargs) elif kwargs['data_type'] in ('time series',): kwargs.pop('data_type') _time_series_netCDF4(fileID, output, attributes, **kwargs) # add attribute for date created fileID.date_created = # add attributes for software information fileID.software_reference = pyTMD.version.project_name fileID.software_version = pyTMD.version.full_version # add file-level attributes if applicable if 'ROOT' in attributes.keys(): # Defining attributes for file for att_name, att_val in attributes['ROOT'].items(): fileID.setncattr(att_name, att_val) # Output NetCDF structure information # Closing the NetCDF file fileID.close()
[docs] def _drift_netCDF4(fileID, output: dict, attributes: dict, **kwargs): """ Write drift data variables to a netCDF4 file object Parameters ---------- fileID: obj open netCDF4 file object output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes """ # Defining the NetCDF dimensions fileID.createDimension('time', len(np.atleast_1d(output['time']))) # defining the NetCDF variables nc = {} for key, val in output.items(): if key in fileID.variables: nc[key] = fileID.variables[key] elif '_FillValue' in attributes[key].keys(): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('time',), fill_value=attributes[key]['_FillValue'], zlib=True) attributes[key].pop('_FillValue') elif val.shape: nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('time',)) else: nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ()) # filling NetCDF variables nc[key][:] = val # Defining attributes for variable for att_name, att_val in attributes[key].items(): nc[key].setncattr(att_name, att_val)
[docs] def _grid_netCDF4(fileID, output: dict, attributes: dict, **kwargs): """ Write gridded data variables to a netCDF4 file object Parameters ---------- fileID: obj open netCDF4 file object output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes """ # output data fields dimensions = ['time', 'lon', 'lat', 't', 'x', 'y'] crs = ['crs', 'crs_wkt', 'crs_proj4', 'projection'] fields = sorted(set(output.keys()) - set(dimensions) - set(crs)) # Defining the NetCDF dimensions reference_fields = [v for v in fields if output[v].ndim == 3] ny, nx, nt = output[reference_fields[0]].shape fileID.createDimension('y', ny) fileID.createDimension('x', nx) fileID.createDimension('time', nt) # defining the NetCDF variables nc = {} for key, val in output.items(): if key in fileID.variables: nc[key] = fileID.variables[key] elif '_FillValue' in attributes[key].keys(): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('y', 'x', 'time'), fill_value=attributes[key]['_FillValue'], zlib=True) attributes[key].pop('_FillValue') elif (val.ndim == 3): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('y', 'x', 'time')) elif (val.ndim == 2): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('y', 'x')) elif val.shape and (len(val) == ny): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('y',)) elif val.shape and (len(val) == nx): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('x',)) elif val.shape and (len(val) == nt): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('time',)) else: nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ()) # filling NetCDF variables nc[key][:] = val # Defining attributes for variable for att_name, att_val in attributes[key].items(): nc[key].setncattr(att_name, att_val)
[docs] def _time_series_netCDF4(fileID, output: dict, attributes: dict, **kwargs): """ Write time series data variables to a netCDF4 file object Parameters ---------- fileID: obj open netCDF4 file object output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes """ # output data fields dimensions = ['time', 'lon', 'lat', 't', 'x', 'y'] crs = ['crs', 'crs_wkt', 'crs_proj4', 'projection'] fields = sorted(set(output.keys()) - set(dimensions) - set(crs)) # Defining the NetCDF dimensions reference_fields = [v for v in fields if output[v].ndim == 2] nstation, nt = output[reference_fields[0]].shape fileID.createDimension('station', nstation) fileID.createDimension('time', nt) # defining the NetCDF variables nc = {} for key, val in output.items(): if key in fileID.variables: nc[key] = fileID.variables[key] elif '_FillValue' in attributes[key].keys(): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('station', 'time'), fill_value=attributes[key]['_FillValue'], zlib=True) attributes[key].pop('_FillValue') elif (val.ndim == 2): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('station', 'time')) elif val.shape and (len(val) == nt): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('time',)) elif val.shape and (len(val) == nstation): nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ('station',)) else: nc[key] = fileID.createVariable(key, val.dtype, ()) # filling NetCDF variables nc[key][:] = val # Defining attributes for variable for att_name, att_val in attributes[key].items(): nc[key].setncattr(att_name, att_val)
[docs] def to_HDF5( output: dict, attributes: dict, filename: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs ): """ Write data to a HDF5 file Parameters ---------- output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes filename: str or pathlib.Path full path of output HDF5 file mode: str, default 'w' HDF5 file mode """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('mode', 'w') # opening HDF5 file for writing filename = pathlib.Path(filename).expanduser().absolute() fileID = h5py.File(filename, mode=kwargs['mode']) # Defining the HDF5 dataset variables h5 = {} for key, val in output.items(): if key in fileID: fileID[key][...] = val[:] elif '_FillValue' in attributes[key].keys(): h5[key] = fileID.create_dataset(key, val.shape, data=val, dtype=val.dtype, fillvalue=attributes[key]['_FillValue'], compression='gzip') attributes[key].pop('_FillValue') elif val.shape: h5[key] = fileID.create_dataset(key, val.shape, data=val, dtype=val.dtype, compression='gzip') else: h5[key] = fileID.create_dataset(key, val.shape, dtype=val.dtype) # Defining attributes for variable for att_name, att_val in attributes[key].items(): h5[key].attrs[att_name] = att_val # add attribute for date created fileID.attrs['date_created'] = # add attributes for software information fileID.attrs['software_reference'] = pyTMD.version.project_name fileID.attrs['software_version'] = pyTMD.version.full_version # add file-level attributes if applicable if 'ROOT' in attributes.keys(): # Defining attributes for file for att_name, att_val in attributes['ROOT'].items(): fileID.attrs[att_name] = att_val # Output HDF5 structure information # Closing the HDF5 file fileID.close()
[docs] def to_geotiff( output: dict, attributes: dict, filename: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs ): """ Write data to a (cloud optimized) geotiff file Parameters ---------- output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes filename: str or pathlib.Path full path of output geotiff file varname: str, default 'data' output variable name driver: str, default 'cog' GDAL driver - ``'GTiff'``: GeoTIFF - ``'cog'``: Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF dtype: obj, default osgeo.gdal.GDT_Float64 GDAL data type options: list, default ['COMPRESS=LZW'] GDAL driver creation options """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('varname', 'data') kwargs.setdefault('driver', 'cog') kwargs.setdefault('dtype', osgeo.gdal.GDT_Float64) kwargs.setdefault('options', ['COMPRESS=LZW']) varname = copy.copy(kwargs['varname']) # verify grid dimensions to be iterable output = expand_dims(output, varname=varname) # grid shape ny, nx, nband = np.shape(output[varname]) # output as geotiff or specified driver driver = osgeo.gdal.GetDriverByName(kwargs['driver']) # set up the dataset with creation options filename = pathlib.Path(filename).expanduser().absolute() ds = driver.Create(str(filename), nx, ny, nband, kwargs['dtype'], kwargs['options']) # top left x, w-e pixel resolution, rotation # top left y, rotation, n-s pixel resolution xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = attributes['extent'] dx, dy = attributes['spacing'] ds.SetGeoTransform([xmin, dx, 0, ymax, 0, dy]) # set the spatial projection reference information osgeo.osr.UseExceptions() srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(attributes['wkt']) # export ds.SetProjection( srs.ExportToWkt() ) # for each band for band in range(nband): # set fill value for band if '_FillValue' in attributes[varname].keys(): fill_value = attributes[varname]['_FillValue'] ds.GetRasterBand(band+1).SetNoDataValue(fill_value) # write band to geotiff array ds.GetRasterBand(band+1).WriteArray(output[varname][:, :, band]) # print filename if verbose # close dataset ds.FlushCache()
[docs] def to_parquet( output: dict, attributes: dict, filename: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs ): """ Write data to a (geo)parquet file Parameters ---------- output: dict python dictionary of output data attributes: dict python dictionary of output attributes filename: str or pathlib.Path, full path of output parquet file crs: int, default None coordinate reference system EPSG code index: bool, default None write index to parquet file compression: str, default 'snappy' file compression type geoparquet: bool, default False write geoparquet file geometry_encoding: str, default 'WKB' default encoding for geoparquet geometry primary_column: str, default 'geometry' default column name for geoparquet geometry """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('crs', None) kwargs.setdefault('index', None) kwargs.setdefault('compression', 'snappy') kwargs.setdefault('schema_version', '1.1.0') kwargs.setdefault('geoparquet', False) kwargs.setdefault('geometry_encoding', 'WKB') kwargs.setdefault('primary_column', 'geometry') # convert to pandas dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(output) attrs = df.attrs.copy() # add coordinate reference system to attributes if kwargs['crs'] and isinstance(kwargs['crs'], int): # create spatial reference object from EPSG code osgeo.osr.UseExceptions() srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(kwargs['crs']) # add projection information to attributes attributes['crs'] = json.loads(srs.ExportToPROJJSON()) elif kwargs['crs'] and isinstance(kwargs['crs'], dict): # create spatial reference object from PROJJSON osgeo.osr.UseExceptions() srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference() srs.SetFromUserInput(json.dumps(kwargs['crs'])) # add projection information to attributes attributes['crs'] = copy.copy(kwargs['crs']) # convert spatial coordinates to WKB encoded geometry if kwargs['geoparquet'] and (kwargs['geometry_encoding'] == 'WKB'): # get geometry columns primary_column = kwargs['primary_column'] geometries = ['lon', 'x', 'lat', 'y'] geom_vars = [v for v in geometries if v in output.keys()] # convert to shapely geometry points = shapely.points(df[geom_vars[0]], df[geom_vars[1]]) df.drop(columns=geom_vars, inplace=True) df[primary_column] = shapely.to_wkb(points) # get bounding box of total set of points bbox = shapely.MultiPoint(points).bounds # drop attributes for geometry columns [attributes.pop(v) for v in geom_vars if v in attributes] # add attributes for geoparquet attrs[b"geo"] = attrs.get(b"geo", {}) attrs[b"geo"]["version"] = kwargs['schema_version'] attrs[b"geo"]["primary_column"] = primary_column attrs[b"geo"]["columns"] = {primary_column: { "encoding": 'WKB', "crs": json.loads(srs.ExportToPROJJSON()), "bbox": bbox, "covering": { "bbox": collections.OrderedDict( xmin=[bbox[0], "xmin"], ymin=[bbox[1], "ymin"], xmax=[bbox[2], "xmax"], ymax=[bbox[3], "ymax"] ) } } } elif kwargs['geoparquet'] and (kwargs['geometry_encoding'] == 'point'): raise ValueError('geoarrow encodings are currently unsupported') # add attribute for date created attributes['date_created'] = # add attributes for software information attributes['software_reference'] = pyTMD.version.project_name attributes['software_version'] = pyTMD.version.full_version # dump the attributes to encoded JSON-format attr_metadata = {b"pyTMD": json.dumps(attributes).encode('utf-8')} for att_name, att_val in attrs.items(): attr_metadata[att_name] = json.dumps(att_val).encode('utf-8') # convert dataframe to arrow table table = pyarrow.Table.from_pandas(df, preserve_index=kwargs['index']) # update parquet metadata metadata = table.schema.metadata metadata.update(attr_metadata) # replace schema metadata with updated table = table.replace_schema_metadata(metadata) # write arrow table to (geo)parquet file filename = pathlib.Path(filename).expanduser().absolute() pyarrow.parquet.write_table(table, filename, compression=kwargs['compression'] )
[docs] def expand_dims(obj: dict, varname: str = 'data'): """ Add a singleton dimension to a spatial dictionary if non-existent Parameters ---------- obj: dict python dictionary of data varname: str, default data variable name to expand """ # change time dimensions to be iterableinformation try: obj['time'] = np.atleast_1d(obj['time']) except: pass # output spatial with a third dimension if isinstance(varname, list): for v in varname: obj[v] = np.atleast_3d(obj[v]) elif isinstance(varname, str): obj[varname] = np.atleast_3d(obj[varname]) # return reformed spatial dictionary return obj
[docs] def default_field_mapping(variables: list | np.ndarray): """ Builds field mappings from a variable list Parameters ---------- variables: list Variables from argument parser - ``time`` - ``yname`` - ``xname`` - ``varname`` Returns ------- field_mapping: dict Field mappings for netCDF4/HDF5 read functions """ # get each variable name and add to field mapping dictionary field_mapping = {} for i, var in enumerate(['time', 'y', 'x', 'data']): try: field_mapping[var] = copy.copy(variables[i]) except IndexError as exc: pass # return the field mapping return field_mapping
[docs] def inverse_mapping(field_mapping): """ Reverses the field mappings of a dictionary Parameters ---------- field_mapping: dict Field mappings for netCDF4/HDF5 read functions """ return field_mapping.__class__(map(reversed, field_mapping.items()))
[docs] def convert_ellipsoid( phi1: np.ndarray, h1: np.ndarray, a1: float, f1: float, a2: float, f2: float, eps: float = 1e-12, itmax: int = 10 ): """ Convert latitudes and heights to a different ellipsoid using Newton-Raphson Parameters ---------- phi1: np.ndarray latitude of input ellipsoid in degrees h1: np.ndarray height above input ellipsoid in meters a1: float semi-major axis of input ellipsoid f1: float flattening of input ellipsoid a2: float semi-major axis of output ellipsoid f2: float flattening of output ellipsoid eps: float, default 1e-12 tolerance to prevent division by small numbers and to determine convergence itmax: int, default 10 maximum number of iterations to use in Newton-Raphson Returns ------- phi2: np.ndarray latitude of output ellipsoid in degrees h2: np.ndarray height above output ellipsoid in meters References ---------- .. [1] J. Meeus, *Astronomical Algorithms*, 2nd edition, 477 pp., (1998). """ if (len(phi1) != len(h1)): raise ValueError('phi and h have incompatible dimensions') # semiminor axis of input and output ellipsoid b1 = (1.0 - f1)*a1 b2 = (1.0 - f2)*a2 # initialize output arrays npts = len(phi1) phi2 = np.zeros((npts)) h2 = np.zeros((npts)) # for each point for N in range(npts): # force phi1 into range -90 <= phi1 <= 90 if (np.abs(phi1[N]) > 90.0): phi1[N] = np.sign(phi1[N])*90.0 # handle special case near the equator # phi2 = phi1 (latitudes congruent) # h2 = h1 + a1 - a2 if (np.abs(phi1[N]) < eps): phi2[N] = np.copy(phi1[N]) h2[N] = h1[N] + a1 - a2 # handle special case near the poles # phi2 = phi1 (latitudes congruent) # h2 = h1 + b1 - b2 elif ((90.0 - np.abs(phi1[N])) < eps): phi2[N] = np.copy(phi1[N]) h2[N] = h1[N] + b1 - b2 # handle case if latitude is within 45 degrees of equator elif (np.abs(phi1[N]) <= 45): # convert phi1 to radians phi1r = phi1[N] * np.pi/180.0 sinphi1 = np.sin(phi1r) cosphi1 = np.cos(phi1r) # prevent division by very small numbers cosphi1 = np.copy(eps) if (cosphi1 < eps) else cosphi1 # calculate tangent tanphi1 = sinphi1 / cosphi1 u1 = np.arctan(b1 / a1 * tanphi1) hpr1sin = b1 * np.sin(u1) + h1[N] * sinphi1 hpr1cos = a1 * np.cos(u1) + h1[N] * cosphi1 # set initial value for u2 u2 = np.copy(u1) # setup constants k0 = b2 * b2 - a2 * a2 k1 = a2 * hpr1cos k2 = b2 * hpr1sin # perform newton-raphson iteration to solve for u2 # cos(u2) will not be close to zero since abs(phi1) <= 45 for i in range(0, itmax+1): cosu2 = np.cos(u2) fu2 = k0 * np.sin(u2) + k1 * np.tan(u2) - k2 fu2p = k0 * cosu2 + k1 / (cosu2 * cosu2) if (np.abs(fu2p) < eps): break else: delta = fu2 / fu2p u2 -= delta if (np.abs(delta) < eps): break # convert latitude to degrees and verify values between +/- 90 phi2r = np.arctan(a2 / b2 * np.tan(u2)) phi2[N] = phi2r*180.0/np.pi if (np.abs(phi2[N]) > 90.0): phi2[N] = np.sign(phi2[N])*90.0 # calculate height h2[N] = (hpr1cos - a2 * np.cos(u2)) / np.cos(phi2r) # handle final case where latitudes are between 45 degrees and pole else: # convert phi1 to radians phi1r = phi1[N] * np.pi/180.0 sinphi1 = np.sin(phi1r) cosphi1 = np.cos(phi1r) # prevent division by very small numbers cosphi1 = np.copy(eps) if (cosphi1 < eps) else cosphi1 # calculate tangent tanphi1 = sinphi1 / cosphi1 u1 = np.arctan(b1 / a1 * tanphi1) hpr1sin = b1 * np.sin(u1) + h1[N] * sinphi1 hpr1cos = a1 * np.cos(u1) + h1[N] * cosphi1 # set initial value for u2 u2 = np.copy(u1) # setup constants k0 = a2 * a2 - b2 * b2 k1 = b2 * hpr1sin k2 = a2 * hpr1cos # perform newton-raphson iteration to solve for u2 # sin(u2) will not be close to zero since abs(phi1) > 45 for i in range(0, itmax+1): sinu2 = np.sin(u2) fu2 = k0 * np.cos(u2) + k1 / np.tan(u2) - k2 fu2p = -1 * (k0 * sinu2 + k1 / (sinu2 * sinu2)) if (np.abs(fu2p) < eps): break else: delta = fu2 / fu2p u2 -= delta if (np.abs(delta) < eps): break # convert latitude to degrees and verify values between +/- 90 phi2r = np.arctan(a2 / b2 * np.tan(u2)) phi2[N] = phi2r*180.0/np.pi if (np.abs(phi2[N]) > 90.0): phi2[N] = np.sign(phi2[N])*90.0 # calculate height h2[N] = (hpr1sin - b2 * np.sin(u2)) / np.sin(phi2r) # return the latitude and height return (phi2, h2)
[docs] def compute_delta_h( a1: float, f1: float, a2: float, f2: float, lat: np.ndarray ): """ Compute difference in elevation for two ellipsoids at a given latitude using a simplified empirical equation Parameters ---------- a1: float semi-major axis of input ellipsoid f1: float flattening of input ellipsoid a2: float semi-major axis of output ellipsoid f2: float flattening of output ellipsoid lat: np.ndarray latitudes (degrees north) Returns ------- delta_h: np.ndarray difference in elevation for two ellipsoids References ---------- .. [1] J Meeus, *Astronomical Algorithms*, pp. 77--82, (1991). """ # force phi into range -90 <= phi <= 90 gt90, = np.nonzero((lat < -90.0) | (lat > 90.0)) lat[gt90] = np.sign(lat[gt90])*90.0 # semiminor axis of input and output ellipsoid b1 = (1.0 - f1)*a1 b2 = (1.0 - f2)*a2 # compute delta_a and delta_b coefficients delta_a = a2 - a1 delta_b = b2 - b1 # compute differences between ellipsoids # delta_h = -(delta_a * cos(phi)^2 + delta_b * sin(phi)^2) phi = lat * np.pi/180.0 delta_h = -(delta_a*np.cos(phi)**2 + delta_b*np.sin(phi)**2) return delta_h
[docs] def wrap_longitudes(lon: float | np.ndarray): """ Wraps longitudes to range from -180 to +180 Parameters ---------- lon: float or np.ndarray longitude (degrees east) """ phi = np.arctan2(np.sin(lon*np.pi/180.0), np.cos(lon*np.pi/180.0)) # convert phi from radians to degrees return phi*180.0/np.pi
[docs] def to_dms(d: np.ndarray): """ Convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds Parameters ---------- d: np.ndarray decimal degrees Returns ------- degree: np.ndarray degrees minute: np.ndarray minutes (arcminutes) second: np.ndarray seconds (arcseconds) """ sign = np.sign(d) minute, second = np.divmod(np.abs(d)*3600.0, 60.0) degree, minute = np.divmod(minute, 60.0) return (sign*degree, minute, second)
[docs] def from_dms( degree: np.ndarray, minute: np.ndarray, second: np.ndarray ): """ Convert degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal degrees Parameters ---------- degree: np.ndarray degrees minute: np.ndarray minutes (arcminutes) second: np.ndarray seconds (arcseconds) Returns ------- d: np.ndarray decimal degrees """ sign = np.sign(degree) d = np.abs(degree) + minute/60.0 + second/3600.0 return sign*d
# get WGS84 parameters _wgs84 = datum(ellipsoid='WGS84', units='MKS')
[docs] def to_cartesian( lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray, h: float | np.ndarray = 0.0, a_axis: float = _wgs84.a_axis, flat: float = _wgs84.flat ): """ Converts geodetic coordinates to Cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- lon: np.ndarray longitude (degrees east) lat: np.ndarray latitude (degrees north) h: float or np.ndarray, default 0.0 height above ellipsoid (or sphere) a_axis: float, default 6378137.0 semimajor axis of the ellipsoid for spherical coordinates set to radius of the Earth flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening for spherical coordinates set to 0 """ # verify axes and copy to not modify inputs singular_values = (np.ndim(lon) == 0) lon = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(lon)).astype(np.float64) lat = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(lat)).astype(np.float64) # fix coordinates to be 0:360 lon[lon < 0] += 360.0 # Linear eccentricity and first numerical eccentricity lin_ecc = np.sqrt((2.0*flat - flat**2)*a_axis**2) ecc1 = lin_ecc/a_axis # convert from geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude dtr = np.pi/180.0 # geodetic latitude in radians latitude_geodetic_rad = lat*dtr # prime vertical radius of curvature N = a_axis/np.sqrt(1.0 - ecc1**2.0*np.sin(latitude_geodetic_rad)**2.0) # calculate X, Y and Z from geodetic latitude and longitude X = (N + h) * np.cos(latitude_geodetic_rad) * np.cos(lon*dtr) Y = (N + h) * np.cos(latitude_geodetic_rad) * np.sin(lon*dtr) Z = (N * (1.0 - ecc1**2.0) + h) * np.sin(latitude_geodetic_rad) # return the cartesian coordinates # flattened to singular values if necessary if singular_values: return (X[0], Y[0], Z[0]) else: return (X, Y, Z)
[docs] def to_sphere(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray): """ Convert from cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates Parameters ---------- x, np.ndarray cartesian x-coordinates y, np.ndarray cartesian y-coordinates z, np.ndarray cartesian z-coordinates """ # verify axes and copy to not modify inputs singular_values = (np.ndim(x) == 0) x = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(x)).astype(np.float64) y = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(y)).astype(np.float64) z = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(z)).astype(np.float64) # calculate radius rad = np.sqrt(x**2.0 + y**2.0 + z**2.0) # calculate angular coordinates # phi: azimuthal angle phi = np.arctan2(y, x) # th: polar angle th = np.arccos(z/rad) # convert to degrees and fix to 0:360 lon = 180.0*phi/np.pi if np.any(lon < 0): lt0 = np.nonzero(lon < 0) lon[lt0] += 360.0 # convert to degrees and fix to -90:90 lat = 90.0 - (180.0*th/np.pi) np.clip(lat, -90, 90, out=lat) # return longitude, latitude and radius # flattened to singular values if necessary if singular_values: return (lon[0], lat[0], rad[0]) else: return (lon, lat, rad)
[docs] def to_geodetic( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, a_axis: float = _wgs84.a_axis, flat: float = _wgs84.flat, method: str = 'bowring', eps: float = np.finfo(np.float64).eps, iterations: int = 10 ): """ Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using either iterative or closed-form methods Parameters ---------- x, float cartesian x-coordinates y, float cartesian y-coordinates z, float cartesian z-coordinates a_axis: float, default 6378137.0 semimajor axis of the ellipsoid flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening method: str, default 'bowring' method to use for conversion - ``'moritz'``: iterative solution - ``'bowring'``: iterative solution - ``'zhu'``: closed-form solution eps: float, default np.finfo(np.float64).eps tolerance for iterative methods iterations: int, default 10 maximum number of iterations """ # verify axes and copy to not modify inputs singular_values = (np.ndim(x) == 0) x = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(x)).astype(np.float64) y = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(y)).astype(np.float64) z = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(z)).astype(np.float64) # calculate the geodetic coordinates using the specified method if (method.lower() == 'moritz'): lon, lat, h = _moritz_iterative(x, y, z, a_axis=a_axis, flat=flat, eps=eps, iterations=iterations) elif (method.lower() == 'bowring'): lon, lat, h = _bowring_iterative(x, y, z, a_axis=a_axis, flat=flat, eps=eps, iterations=iterations) elif (method.lower() == 'zhu'): lon, lat, h = _zhu_closed_form(x, y, z, a_axis=a_axis, flat=flat) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown conversion method: {method}') # return longitude, latitude and height # flattened to singular values if necessary if singular_values: return (lon[0], lat[0], h[0]) else: return (lon, lat, h)
[docs] def _moritz_iterative( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, a_axis: float = _wgs84.a_axis, flat: float = _wgs84.flat, eps: float = np.finfo(np.float64).eps, iterations: int = 10 ): """ Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using the iterative solution of [1]_ Parameters ---------- x, float cartesian x-coordinates y, float cartesian y-coordinates z, float cartesian z-coordinates a_axis: float, default 6378137.0 semimajor axis of the ellipsoid flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening eps: float, default np.finfo(np.float64).eps tolerance for iterative method iterations: int, default 10 maximum number of iterations References ---------- .. [1] B. Hofmann-Wellenhof and H. Moritz, *Physical Geodesy*, 2nd Edition, 403 pp., (2006). `doi: 10.1007/978-3-211-33545-1 <>`_ """ # Linear eccentricity and first numerical eccentricity lin_ecc = np.sqrt((2.0*flat - flat**2)*a_axis**2) ecc1 = lin_ecc/a_axis # degrees to radians dtr = np.pi/180.0 # calculate longitude lon = np.arctan2(y, x)/dtr # set initial estimate of height to 0 h = np.zeros_like(lon) h0 = np.inf*np.ones_like(lon) # calculate radius of parallel p = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) # initial estimated value for phi using h=0 phi = np.arctan(z/(p*(1.0 - ecc1**2))) # iterate to tolerance or to maximum number of iterations i = 0 while np.any(np.abs(h - h0) > eps) and (i <= iterations): # copy previous iteration of height h0 = np.copy(h) # calculate radius of curvature N = a_axis/np.sqrt(1.0 - ecc1**2 * np.sin(phi)**2) # estimate new value of height h = p/np.cos(phi) - N # estimate new value for latitude using heights phi = np.arctan(z/(p*(1.0 - ecc1**2*N/(N + h)))) # add to iterator i += 1 # return longitude, latitude and height return (lon, phi/dtr, h)
[docs] def _bowring_iterative( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, a_axis: float = _wgs84.a_axis, flat: float = _wgs84.flat, eps: float = np.finfo(np.float64).eps, iterations: int = 10 ): """ Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using the iterative solution of [1]_ [2]_ Parameters ---------- x, float cartesian x-coordinates y, float cartesian y-coordinates z, float cartesian z-coordinates a_axis: float, default 6378137.0 semimajor axis of the ellipsoid flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening eps: float, default np.finfo(np.float64).eps tolerance for iterative method iterations: int, default 10 maximum number of iterations References ---------- .. [1] B. R. Bowring, "Transformation from spatial to geodetic coordinates," *Survey Review*, 23(181), 323--327, (1976). `doi: 10.1179/sre.1976.23.181.323 <>`_ .. [2] B. R. Bowring, "The Accuracy Of Geodetic Latitude and Height Equations," *Survey Review*, 28(218), 202--206, (1985). `doi: 10.1179/sre.1985.28.218.202 <>`_ """ # semiminor axis of the WGS84 ellipsoid [m] b_axis = (1.0 - flat)*a_axis # Linear eccentricity lin_ecc = np.sqrt((2.0*flat - flat**2)*a_axis**2) # square of first and second numerical eccentricity e12 = lin_ecc**2/a_axis**2 e22 = lin_ecc**2/b_axis**2 # degrees to radians dtr = np.pi/180.0 # calculate longitude lon = np.arctan2(y, x)/dtr # calculate radius of parallel p = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) # initial estimated value for reduced parametric latitude u = np.arctan(a_axis*z/(b_axis*p)) # initial estimated value for latitude phi = np.arctan((z + e22*b_axis*np.sin(u)**3) / (p - e12*a_axis*np.cos(u)**3)) phi0 = np.inf*np.ones_like(lon) # iterate to tolerance or to maximum number of iterations i = 0 while np.any(np.abs(phi - phi0) > eps) and (i <= iterations): # copy previous iteration of phi phi0 = np.copy(phi) # calculate reduced parametric latitude u = np.arctan(b_axis*np.tan(phi)/a_axis) # estimate new value of latitude phi = np.arctan((z + e22*b_axis*np.sin(u)**3) / (p - e12*a_axis*np.cos(u)**3)) # add to iterator i += 1 # calculate final radius of curvature N = a_axis/np.sqrt(1.0 - e12 * np.sin(phi)**2) # estimate final height (Bowring, 1985) h = p*np.cos(phi) + z*np.sin(phi) - a_axis**2/N # return longitude, latitude and height return (lon, phi/dtr, h)
[docs] def _zhu_closed_form( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, a_axis: float = _wgs84.a_axis, flat: float = _wgs84.flat, ): """ Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using the closed-form solution of [1]_ Parameters ---------- x, float cartesian x-coordinates y, float cartesian y-coordinates z, float cartesian z-coordinates a_axis: float, default 6378137.0 semimajor axis of the ellipsoid flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening References ---------- .. [1] J. Zhu, "Exact conversion of Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic coordinates," *Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics*, 16(2), 389--391, (1993). `doi: 10.2514/3.21016 <>`_ """ # semiminor axis of the WGS84 ellipsoid [m] b_axis = (1.0 - flat)*a_axis # Linear eccentricity lin_ecc = np.sqrt((2.0*flat - flat**2)*a_axis**2) # square of first numerical eccentricity e12 = lin_ecc**2/a_axis**2 # degrees to radians dtr = np.pi/180.0 # calculate longitude lon = np.arctan2(y, x)/dtr # calculate radius of parallel w = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) # allocate for output latitude and height lat = np.zeros_like(lon) h = np.zeros_like(lon) if np.any(w == 0): # special case where w == 0 (exact polar solution) ind, = np.nonzero(w == 0) h[ind] = np.sign(z[ind])*z[ind] - b_axis lat[ind] = 90.0*np.sign(z[ind]) else: # all other cases ind, = np.nonzero(w != 0) l = e12/2.0 m = (w[ind]/a_axis)**2.0 n = ((1.0 - e12)*z[ind]/b_axis)**2.0 i = -(2.0*l**2 + m + n)/2.0 k = (l**2.0 - m - n)*l**2.0 q = (1.0/216.0)*(m + n - 4.0*l**2)**3.0 + m*n*l**2.0 D = np.sqrt((2.0*q - m*n*l**2)*m*n*l**2) B = i/3.0 - (q + D)**(1.0/3.0) - (q - D)**(1.0/3.0) t = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(B**2-k) - (B + i)/2.0) - \ np.sign(m - n)*np.sqrt((B - i)/2.0) wi = w/(t + l) zi = (1.0 - e12)*z[ind]/(t - l) # calculate latitude and height lat[ind] = np.arctan2(zi, ((1.0 - e12)*wi))/dtr h[ind] = np.sign(t-1.0+l)*np.sqrt((w-wi)**2.0 + (z[ind]-zi)**2.0) # return longitude, latitude and height return (lon, lat, h)
[docs] def to_ENU( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, lon0: float = 0.0, lat0: float = 0.0, h0: float = 0.0, a_axis: float = _wgs84.a_axis, flat: float = _wgs84.flat, ): """ Convert from Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) cartesian coordinates to East-North-Up coordinates (ENU) Parameters ---------- x, float cartesian x-coordinates y, float cartesian y-coordinates z, float cartesian z-coordinates lon0: float, default 0.0 reference longitude (degrees east) lat0: float, default 0.0 reference latitude (degrees north) h0: float, default 0.0 reference height (meters) a_axis: float, default 6378137.0 semimajor axis of the ellipsoid flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening Returns ------- E: np.ndarray east coordinates N: np.ndarray north coordinates U: np.ndarray up coordinates """ # degrees to radians dtr = np.pi/180.0 # verify axes and copy to not modify inputs singular_values = (np.ndim(x) == 0) x = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(x)).astype(np.float64) y = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(y)).astype(np.float64) z = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(z)).astype(np.float64) # convert latitude and longitude to ECEF X0, Y0, Z0 = to_cartesian(lon0, lat0, h=h0, a_axis=a_axis, flat=flat) # calculate the rotation matrix R = np.zeros((3, 3)) R[0,0] = -np.sin(dtr*lon0) R[0,1] = np.cos(dtr*lon0) R[0,2] = 0.0 R[1,0] = -np.sin(dtr*lat0)*np.cos(dtr*lon0) R[1,1] = -np.sin(dtr*lat0)*np.sin(dtr*lon0) R[1,2] = np.cos(dtr*lat0) R[2,0] = np.cos(dtr*lat0)*np.cos(dtr*lon0) R[2,1] = np.cos(dtr*lat0)*np.sin(dtr*lon0) R[2,2] = np.sin(dtr*lat0) # calculate the ENU coordinates E, N, U =, np.vstack((x - X0, y - Y0, z - Z0))) # return the ENU coordinates # flattened to singular values if necessary if singular_values: return (E[0], N[0], U[0]) else: return (E, N, U)
[docs] def from_ENU( E: np.ndarray, N: np.ndarray, U: np.ndarray, lon0: float = 0.0, lat0: float = 0.0, h0: float = 0.0, a_axis: float = _wgs84.a_axis, flat: float = _wgs84.flat, ): """ Convert from East-North-Up coordinates (ENU) to Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- E, float east coordinates N, float north coordinates U, float up coordinates lon0: float, default 0.0 reference longitude (degrees east) lat0: float, default 0.0 reference latitude (degrees north) h0: float, default 0.0 reference height (meters) a_axis: float, default 6378137.0 semimajor axis of the ellipsoid flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening Returns ------- x, float cartesian x-coordinates y, float cartesian y-coordinates z, float cartesian z-coordinates """ # degrees to radians dtr = np.pi/180.0 # verify axes and copy to not modify inputs singular_values = (np.ndim(E) == 0) E = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(E)).astype(np.float64) N = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(N)).astype(np.float64) U = np.atleast_1d(np.copy(U)).astype(np.float64) # convert latitude and longitude to ECEF X0, Y0, Z0 = to_cartesian(lon0, lat0, h=h0, a_axis=a_axis, flat=flat) # calculate the rotation matrix R = np.zeros((3, 3)) R[0,0] = -np.sin(dtr*lon0) R[1,0] = np.cos(dtr*lon0) R[2,0] = 0.0 R[0,1] = -np.sin(dtr*lat0)*np.cos(dtr*lon0) R[1,1] = -np.sin(dtr*lat0)*np.sin(dtr*lon0) R[2,1] = np.cos(dtr*lat0) R[0,2] = np.cos(dtr*lat0)*np.cos(dtr*lon0) R[1,2] = np.cos(dtr*lat0)*np.sin(dtr*lon0) R[2,2] = np.sin(dtr*lat0) # calculate the ECEF coordinates x, y, z =, np.vstack((E, N, U))) # add reference coordinates x += X0 y += Y0 z += Z0 # return the ECEF coordinates # flattened to singular values if necessary if singular_values: return (x[0], y[0], z[0]) else: return (x, y, z)
def scale_areas(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("Deprecated. Please use pyTMD.spatial.scale_factors instead", DeprecationWarning) return scale_factors(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def scale_factors( lat: np.ndarray, flat: float = _wgs84.flat, reference_latitude: float = 70.0, metric: str = 'area' ): """ Calculates scaling factors to account for polar stereographic distortion including special case of at the exact pole [1]_ [2]_ Parameters ---------- lat: np.ndarray latitude (degrees north) flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563 ellipsoidal flattening reference_latitude: float, default 70.0 reference latitude (true scale latitude) metric: str, default 'area' metric to calculate scaling factors - ``'distance'``: scale factors for distance - ``'area'``: scale factors for area Returns ------- scale: np.ndarray scaling factors at input latitudes References ---------- .. [1] J. P. Snyder, *Map Projections used by the U.S. Geological Survey*, Geological Survey Bulletin 1532, U.S. Government Printing Office, (1982). .. [2] JPL Technical Memorandum 3349-85-101 """ assert metric.lower() in ['distance', 'area'], 'Unknown metric' # convert latitude from degrees to positive radians theta = np.abs(lat)*np.pi/180.0 # convert reference latitude from degrees to positive radians theta_ref = np.abs(reference_latitude)*np.pi/180.0 # square of the eccentricity of the ellipsoid # ecc2 = (1-b**2/a**2) = 2.0*flat - flat^2 ecc2 = 2.0*flat - flat**2 # eccentricity of the ellipsoid ecc = np.sqrt(ecc2) # calculate ratio at input latitudes m = np.cos(theta)/np.sqrt(1.0 - ecc2*np.sin(theta)**2) t = np.tan(np.pi/4.0 - theta/2.0)/((1.0 - ecc*np.sin(theta)) / \ (1.0 + ecc*np.sin(theta)))**(ecc/2.0) # calculate ratio at reference latitude mref = np.cos(theta_ref)/np.sqrt(1.0 - ecc2*np.sin(theta_ref)**2) tref = np.tan(np.pi/4.0 - theta_ref/2.0)/((1.0 - ecc*np.sin(theta_ref)) / \ (1.0 + ecc*np.sin(theta_ref)))**(ecc/2.0) # distance scaling k = (mref/m)*(t/tref) kp = 0.5*mref*np.sqrt(((1.0+ecc)**(1.0+ecc))*((1.0-ecc)**(1.0-ecc)))/tref if (metric.lower() == 'distance'): # distance scaling scale = np.where(np.isclose(theta, np.pi/2.0), 1.0/kp, 1.0/k) elif (metric.lower() == 'area'): # area scaling scale = np.where(np.isclose(theta, np.pi/2.0), 1.0/(kp**2), 1.0/(k**2)) return scale