Source code for pyTMD.interpolate

#!/usr/bin/env python
Written by Tyler Sutterley (12/2022)
Interpolators for spatial data

    numpy: Scientific Computing Tools For Python
    scipy: Scientific Tools for Python

    Written 12/2022
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
import scipy.interpolate
import pyTMD.spatial

# PURPOSE: bilinear interpolation of input data to output data
[docs]def bilinear( ilon: np.ndarray, ilat: np.ndarray, idata: np.ndarray, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray, fill_value: float = np.nan, dtype: str | np.dtype = np.float64 ): """ Bilinear interpolation of input data to output coordinates Parameters ---------- ilon: np.ndarray longitude of tidal model ilat: np.ndarray latitude of tidal model idata: np.ndarray tide model data lat: np.ndarray output latitude lon: np.ndarray output longitude fill_value: float, default np.nan invalid value dtype: np.dtype, default np.float64 output data type Returns ------- data: np.ndarray interpolated data """ # verify that input data is masked array if not isinstance(idata, idata = idata.mask = np.zeros_like(idata, dtype=bool) # find valid points (within bounds) valid, = np.nonzero((lon >= ilon.min()) & (lon <= ilon.max()) & (lat > ilat.min()) & (lat < ilat.max())) # interpolate gridded data values to data npts = len(lon) # allocate to output interpolated data array data =, dtype=dtype, fill_value=fill_value) data.mask = np.ones((npts), dtype=bool) # initially set all data to fill value[:] = data.fill_value # for each valid point for i in valid: # calculating the indices for the original grid ix, = np.nonzero((ilon[0:-1] <= lon[i]) & (ilon[1:] > lon[i])) iy, = np.nonzero((ilat[0:-1] <= lat[i]) & (ilat[1:] > lat[i])) # corner data values for adjacent grid cells IM =, fill_value=fill_value, dtype=dtype) IM.mask = np.ones((4), dtype=bool) # corner weight values for adjacent grid cells WM = np.zeros((4)) # build data and weight arrays for j,XI,YI in zip([0,1,2,3],[ix,ix+1,ix,ix+1],[iy,iy,iy+1,iy+1]):[j], =[YI,XI].astype(dtype) IM.mask[j], = idata.mask[YI,XI] WM[3-j], = np.abs(lon[i]-ilon[XI])*np.abs(lat[i]-ilat[YI]) # if on corner value: use exact if (np.isclose(lat[i],ilat[iy]) & np.isclose(lon[i],ilon[ix])):[i] =[iy,ix].astype(dtype) data.mask[i] = idata.mask[iy,ix] elif (np.isclose(lat[i],ilat[iy+1]) & np.isclose(lon[i],ilon[ix])):[i] =[iy+1,ix].astype(dtype) data.mask[i] = idata.mask[iy+1,ix] elif (np.isclose(lat[i],ilat[iy]) & np.isclose(lon[i],ilon[ix+1])):[i] =[iy,ix+1].astype(dtype) data.mask[i] = idata.mask[iy,ix+1] elif (np.isclose(lat[i],ilat[iy+1]) & np.isclose(lon[i],ilon[ix+1])):[i] =[iy+1,ix+1].astype(dtype) data.mask[i] = idata.mask[iy+1,ix+1] elif np.any(np.isfinite(IM) & (~IM.mask)): # find valid indices for data summation and weight matrix ii, = np.nonzero(np.isfinite(IM) & (~IM.mask)) # calculate interpolated value for i[i] = np.sum(WM[ii]*IM[ii])/np.sum(WM[ii]) data.mask[i] = np.all(IM.mask[ii]) # return interpolated values return data
[docs]def spline( ilon: np.ndarray, ilat: np.ndarray, idata: np.ndarray, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray, fill_value: float = None, dtype: str | np.dtype = np.float64, reducer=np.ceil, **kwargs ): """ `Bivariate spline interpolation < scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline.html>`_ of input data to output coordinates Parameters ---------- ilon: np.ndarray longitude of tidal model ilat: np.ndarray latitude of tidal model idata: np.ndarray tide model data lat: np.ndarray output latitude lon: np.ndarray output longitude fill_value: float or NoneType, default None invalid value dtype: np.dtype, default np.float64 output data type reducer: obj, default np.ceil operation for converting mask to boolean kx: int, default 1 degree of the bivariate spline in the x-dimension ky: int, default 1 degree of the bivariate spline in the y-dimension kwargs: dict additional arguments for ``scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline`` Returns ------- data: np.ndarray interpolated data """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('kx', 1) kwargs.setdefault('ky', 1) # verify that input data is masked array if not isinstance(idata, idata = idata.mask = np.zeros_like(idata, dtype=bool) # interpolate gridded data values to data npts = len(lon) # allocate to output interpolated data array data =, dtype=dtype, fill_value=fill_value) data.mask = np.ones((npts), dtype=bool) # construct splines for input data and mask if np.iscomplexobj(idata): s1 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ilon, ilat,, **kwargs) s2 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ilon, ilat,, **kwargs) s3 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ilon, ilat, idata.mask.T, **kwargs) # evaluate the spline at input coordinates[:] = s1.ev(lon, lat)[:] = s2.ev(lon, lat) data.mask[:] = reducer(s3.ev(lon, lat)).astype(bool) else: s1 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ilon, ilat,, **kwargs) s2 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ilon, ilat, idata.mask.T, **kwargs) # evaluate the spline at input coordinates[:] = s1.ev(lon, lat).astype(dtype) data.mask[:] = reducer(s2.ev(lon, lat)).astype(bool) # return interpolated values return data
[docs]def regulargrid( ilon: np.ndarray, ilat: np.ndarray, idata: np.ndarray, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray, fill_value: float = None, dtype: str | np.dtype = np.float64, reducer=np.ceil, **kwargs ): """ `Regular grid interpolation < scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator.html>`_ of input data to output coordinates Parameters ---------- ilon: np.ndarray longitude of tidal model ilat: np.ndarray latitude of tidal model idata: np.ndarray tide model data lat: np.ndarray output latitude lon: np.ndarray output longitude fill_value: float or NoneType, default None invalid value dtype: np.dtype, default np.float64 output data type reducer: obj, default np.ceil operation for converting mask to boolean bounds_error: bool, default False raise Exception when values are requested outside domain method: str, default 'linear' Method of interpolation - ``'linear'`` - ``'nearest'`` - ``'slinear'`` - ``'cubic'`` - ``'quintic'`` kwargs: dict additional arguments for ``scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`` Returns ------- data: np.ndarray interpolated data """ # set default keyword arguments kwargs.setdefault('bounds_error', False) kwargs.setdefault('method', 'linear') # verify that input data is masked array if not isinstance(idata, idata = idata.mask = np.zeros_like(idata, dtype=bool) # interpolate gridded data values to data npts = len(lon) # allocate to output interpolated data array data =, dtype=dtype, fill_value=fill_value) data.mask = np.ones((npts), dtype=bool) # use scipy regular grid to interpolate values for a given method r1 = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((ilat, ilon),, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs) r2 = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((ilat, ilon), idata.mask, fill_value=1, **kwargs) # evaluate the interpolator at input coordinates[:] = r1.__call__(np.c_[lat, lon]) data.mask[:] = reducer(r2.__call__(np.c_[lat, lon])).astype(bool) # return interpolated values return data
# PURPOSE: Nearest-neighbor extrapolation of valid data to output data
[docs]def extrapolate( ilon: np.ndarray, ilat: np.ndarray, idata: np.ndarray, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray, fill_value: float = None, dtype: str | np.dtype = np.float64, cutoff: int | float = np.inf, EPSG: str | int = '4326', **kwargs ): """ Nearest-neighbor (`NN`) extrapolation of valid model data using `kd-trees < scipy.spatial.cKDTree.html>`_ Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray x-coordinates of tidal model y: np.ndarray y-coordinates of tidal model data: np.ndarray Tide model data XI: np.ndarray Output x-coordinates YI: np.ndarray Output y-coordinates fill_value: float, default np.nan Invalid value dtype: np.dtype, default np.float64 Output data type cutoff: float, default np.inf return only neighbors within distance [km] Set to ``np.inf`` to extrapolate for all points EPSG: str, default '4326' projection of tide model data Returns ------- DATA: np.ndarray interpolated data """ # verify output dimensions lon = np.atleast_1d(lon) lat = np.atleast_1d(lat) # extrapolate valid data values to data npts = len(lon) # return none if no invalid points if (npts == 0): return # allocate to output extrapolate data array data =, dtype=dtype, fill_value=fill_value) data.mask = np.ones((npts), dtype=bool) # initially set all data to fill value[:] = idata.fill_value # create combined valid mask valid_mask = (~idata.mask) & np.isfinite( # reduce to model points within bounds of input points valid_bounds = np.ones_like(idata.mask, dtype=bool) # calculate coordinates for nearest-neighbors if (EPSG == '4326'): # global or regional equirectangular model # calculate meshgrid of model coordinates gridlon, gridlat = np.meshgrid(ilon, ilat) # ellipsoidal major axis in kilometers a_axis = 6378.137 # calculate Cartesian coordinates of input grid gridx, gridy, gridz = pyTMD.spatial.to_cartesian( gridlon, gridlat, a_axis=a_axis) # calculate Cartesian coordinates of output coordinates xs, ys, zs = pyTMD.spatial.to_cartesian( lon, lat, a_axis=a_axis) # range of output points in cartesian coordinates xmin, xmax = (np.min(xs), np.max(xs)) ymin, ymax = (np.min(ys), np.max(ys)) zmin, zmax = (np.min(zs), np.max(zs)) # reduce to model points within bounds of input points valid_bounds = np.ones_like(idata.mask, dtype=bool) valid_bounds &= (gridx >= (xmin - 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridx <= (xmax + 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridy >= (ymin - 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridy <= (ymax + 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridz >= (zmin - 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridz <= (zmax + 2.0*cutoff)) # check if there are any valid points within the input bounds if not np.any(valid_mask & valid_bounds): # return filled masked array return data # find where input grid is valid and close to output points indy, indx = np.nonzero(valid_mask & valid_bounds) # create KD-tree of valid points tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(np.c_[gridx[indy, indx], gridy[indy, indx], gridz[indy, indx]]) # flattened valid data array flattened =[indy, indx] # output coordinates points = np.c_[xs, ys, zs] else: # projected model # calculate meshgrid of model coordinates gridx, gridy = np.meshgrid(ilon, ilat) # range of output points xmin, xmax = (np.min(lon), np.max(lon)) ymin, ymax = (np.min(lat), np.max(lat)) # reduce to model points within bounds of input points valid_bounds = np.ones_like(idata.mask, dtype=bool) valid_bounds &= (gridx >= (xmin - 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridx <= (xmax + 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridy >= (ymin - 2.0*cutoff)) valid_bounds &= (gridy <= (ymax + 2.0*cutoff)) # check if there are any valid points within the input bounds if not np.any(valid_mask & valid_bounds): # return filled masked array return data # find where input grid is valid and close to output points indy, indx = np.nonzero(valid_mask & valid_bounds) # flattened model coordinates tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(np.c_[gridx[indy, indx], gridy[indy, indx]]) # flattened valid data array flattened =[indy, indx] # output coordinates points = np.c_[lon, lat] # query output data points and find nearest neighbor within cutoff dd, ii = tree.query(points, k=1, distance_upper_bound=cutoff) # spatially extrapolate using nearest neighbors if np.any(np.isfinite(dd)): ind, = np.nonzero(np.isfinite(dd))[ind] = flattened[ii[ind]] data.mask[ind] = False # return extrapolated values return data
# PURPOSE: calculate Euclidean distances between points def _distance(c1: np.ndarray, c2: np.ndarray): """ Calculate Euclidean distances between points Parameters ---------- c1: np.ndarray first set of coordinates c2: np.ndarray second set of coordinates Returns ------- c: np.ndarray Euclidean distance """ # decompose Euclidean distance: (x-y)^2 = x^2 - 2xy + y^2 dx2 = np.sum(c1**2) dxy =[np.newaxis,:], c2.T) dy2 = np.sum(c2**2, axis=1) # calculate Euclidean distance D, = np.sqrt(dx2 - 2.0*dxy + dy2) return D