Source code for pyTMD.check_points

#!/usr/bin/env python
Written by Tyler Sutterley (04/2024)
Check if points are within a tide model domain

OTIS format tidal solutions provided by Ohio State University and ESR
Global Tide Model (GOT) solutions provided by Richard Ray at GSFC
or Finite Element Solution (FES) models provided by AVISO

    x: x-coordinates in projection EPSG
    y: y-coordinates in projection EPSG

    DIRECTORY: working data directory for tide models
    MODEL: Tide model to use
    ATLAS_FORMAT: ATLAS tide model format (OTIS, netcdf)
    GZIP: Tide model files are gzip compressed
    DEFINITION_FILE: Tide model definition file for use
    EPSG: input coordinate system
        default: 3031 Polar Stereographic South, WGS84
    METHOD: interpolation method
        bilinear: quick bilinear interpolation
        spline: scipy bivariate spline interpolation
        linear, nearest: scipy regular grid interpolations

    valid: array describing if input coordinate is within model domain

    numpy: Scientific Computing Tools For Python
    scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
    netCDF4: Python interface to the netCDF C library
    pyproj: Python interface to PROJ library

PROGRAM DEPENDENCIES: Coordinate Reference System (CRS) routines
    io/ retrieves tide model parameters for named tide models
    io/ extract tidal harmonic constants from OTIS tide models
    io/ extract tidal harmonic constants from ATLAS netcdf models
    io/ extract tidal harmonic constants from GSFC GOT models
    io/ extract tidal harmonic constants from FES tide models interpolation routines for spatial data

    Updated 04/2024: use wrapper to importlib for optional dependencies
    Updated 12/2023: use new crs class for coordinate reprojection
    Updated 08/2023: changed ESR netCDF4 format to TMD3 format
    Updated 04/2023: using pathlib to define and expand paths
    Updated 03/2023: add basic variable typing to function inputs
    Updated 12/2022: refactored tide read programs under io
        refactored bilinear interpolation routine
    Updated 11/2022: place some imports within try/except statements
        use f-strings for formatting verbose or ascii output
    Updated 05/2022: added ESR netCDF4 formats to list of model types
        updated keyword arguments to read tide model programs
    Updated 04/2022: updated docstrings to numpy documentation format
    Updated 09/2021: refactor to use model class for files and attributes
    Updated 07/2021: added check that tide model directory is accessible
    Updated 06/2021: add try/except for input projection strings
    Written 05/2021
from __future__ import print_function, annotations

import logging
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import pyTMD.interpolate
import pyTMD.utilities
# attempt imports
pyproj = pyTMD.utilities.import_dependency('pyproj')

# PURPOSE: compute tides at points and times using tide model algorithms
[docs]def check_points(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, DIRECTORY: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, MODEL: str | None = None, ATLAS_FORMAT: str = 'netcdf', GZIP: bool = False, DEFINITION_FILE: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, EPSG: str | int = 3031, METHOD: str = 'spline' ): """ Check if points are within a tide model domain Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray x-coordinates in projection EPSG y: np.ndarray y-coordinates in projection EPSG DIRECTORY: str or NoneType, default None working data directory for tide models MODEL: str or NoneType, default None Tide model to use ATLAS_FORMAT: str, default 'netcdf' ATLAS tide model format - ``'OTIS'`` - ``'netcdf'`` GZIP: bool, default False Tide model files are gzip compressed DEFINITION_FILE: str or NoneType, default None Tide model definition file for use EPSG: str or int, default: 3031 (Polar Stereographic South, WGS84) Input coordinate system METHOD: str, default 'spline' interpolation method - ```bilinear```: quick bilinear interpolation - ```spline```: scipy bivariate spline interpolation - ```linear```, ```nearest```: scipy regular grid interpolations Returns ------- valid: bool array describing if input coordinate is within model domain """ # check that tide directory is accessible if DIRECTORY is not None: DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(DIRECTORY).expanduser() if not DIRECTORY.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("Invalid tide directory") # get parameters for tide model if DEFINITION_FILE is not None: model = pathlib.Path(DEFINITION_FILE).expanduser()) else: model =, format=ATLAS_FORMAT, compressed=GZIP).elevation(MODEL) # input shape of data idim = np.shape(x) # converting x,y from input coordinate reference system crs1 = crs2 = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(4326) transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(crs1, crs2, always_xy=True) lon, lat = transformer.transform( np.atleast_1d(x).flatten(), np.atleast_1d(y).flatten() ) # read tidal constants and interpolate to grid points if model.format in ('OTIS','ATLAS','TMD3'): # if reading a single OTIS solution xi, yi, hz, mz, iob, dt = pathlib.Path(model.grid_file).expanduser()) # invert model mask mz = np.logical_not(mz) # adjust dimensions of input coordinates to be iterable # run wrapper function to convert coordinate systems of input lat/lon X, Y =, lat, model.projection, 'F') elif (model.format == 'netcdf'): # if reading a netCDF OTIS atlas solution xi, yi, hz = pathlib.Path(model.grid_file).expanduser(), compressed=model.compressed, type=model.type) # copy bathymetry mask mz = np.copy(hz.mask) # copy latitude and longitude and adjust longitudes X,Y = np.copy([lon,lat]).astype(np.float64) lt0, = np.nonzero(X < 0) X[lt0] += 360.0 elif (model.format == 'GOT'): # if reading a NASA GOT solution hc, xi, yi, c = pathlib.Path(model.model_file[0]).expanduser(), compressed=model.compressed) # copy tidal constituent mask mz = np.copy(hc.mask) # copy latitude and longitude and adjust longitudes X, Y = np.copy([lon,lat]).astype(np.float64) lt0, = np.nonzero(X < 0) X[lt0] += 360.0 elif (model.format == 'FES'): # if reading a FES netCDF solution hc, xi, yi = pathlib.Path(model.model_file[0]).expanduser(), compressed=model.compressed, type=model.type, version=model.version) # copy tidal constituent mask mz = np.copy(hc.mask) # copy latitude and longitude and adjust longitudes X, Y = np.copy([lon,lat]).astype(np.float64) lt0, = np.nonzero(X < 0) X[lt0] += 360.0 # interpolate masks if (METHOD == 'bilinear'): # replace invalid values with nan mz1 = pyTMD.interpolate.bilinear(xi, yi, mz, X, Y) mask = np.floor(mz1).astype(mz.dtype) elif (METHOD == 'spline'): f1 = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xi, yi, mz.T, kx=1, ky=1) mask = np.floor(f1.ev(X, Y)).astype(mz.dtype) else: # use scipy regular grid to interpolate values r1 = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((yi, xi), mz, method=METHOD, bounds_error=False, fill_value=1) mask = np.floor(r1.__call__(np.c_[y, x])).astype(mz.dtype) # reshape to original dimensions valid = np.logical_not(mask).reshape(idim).astype(mz.dtype) # replace points outside model domain with invalid valid &= (X >= xi.min()) & (X <= xi.max()) valid &= (Y >= yi.min()) & (Y <= yi.max()) # return the valid mask return valid