
Utilities for calculating time operations

  • Can convert delta time from seconds since an epoch to time since a different epoch

  • Can calculate the time in days since epoch from calendar dates

  • Calculates the difference between dynamic time and universal time (TT - UT1) following Richard Ray’s PERTH3 algorithms

  • Can count the number of leap seconds between a given GPS time and UTC

  • Syncs leap second files with NIST servers

  • Updates differences between universal time (UT) and dynamic time (TT)

Calling Sequence

Count the number of leap seconds between a GPS time and UTC

import pyTMD.time
leap_seconds = pyTMD.time.count_leap_seconds(gps_seconds)

Convert a time from seconds since 1980-01-06T00:00:00 to Modified Julian Days (MJD)

import pyTMD.time
MJD = pyTMD.time.convert_delta_time(delta_time, epoch1=(1980,1,6,0,0,0),
    epoch2=(1858,11,17,0,0,0), scale=1.0/86400.0)

Convert a calendar date into Modified Julian Days

import pyTMD.time
MJD = pyTMD.time.convert_calendar_dates(YEAR,MONTH,DAY,hour=HOUR,

Source code

General Methods

pyTMD.time.parse(date_string: str)[source]

Parse a date string and convert to a naive datetime object in UTC

date_string: str

formatted time string

date: obj

output datetime object

pyTMD.time.parse_date_string(date_string: str)[source]

Parse a date string of the form

  • time-units since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

  • yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss for exact calendar dates

date_string: str

time-units since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

epoch: list

epoch of delta_time

conversion_factor: float

multiplication factor to convert to seconds

pyTMD.time.split_date_string(date_string: str)[source]

Split a date string into units and epoch

date_string: str

time-units since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


Convert a datetime object into a list

date: obj

Input datetime object to convert

date: list


pyTMD.time.calendar_days(year: int | float | numpy.ndarray) ndarray[source]

Calculates the number of days per month for a given year

year: int, float or np.ndarray

calendar year

dpm: np.ndarray

number of days for each month

pyTMD.time.convert_datetime(date: float | numpy.ndarray, epoch: str | tuple | list | numpy.datetime64 = (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))[source]

Convert a numpy datetime array to seconds since epoch

date: np.ndarray

numpy datetime array

epoch: str, tuple, list, np.ndarray, default (1970,1,1,0,0,0)

epoch for output delta_time

delta_time: float

seconds since epoch

pyTMD.time.convert_delta_time(delta_time: ndarray, epoch1: str | tuple | list | numpy.datetime64 | None = None, epoch2: str | tuple | list | numpy.datetime64 | None = None, scale: float = 1.0)[source]

Convert delta time from seconds since epoch1 to time since epoch2

delta_time: np.ndarray

seconds since epoch1

epoch1: str, tuple, list or NoneType, default None

epoch for input delta_time

epoch2: str, tuple, list or NoneType, default None

epoch for output delta_time

scale: float, default 1.0

scaling factor for converting time to output units

pyTMD.time.convert_calendar_dates(year: ndarray, month: ndarray, day: ndarray, hour: numpy.ndarray | float = 0.0, minute: numpy.ndarray | float = 0.0, second: numpy.ndarray | float = 0.0, epoch: tuple | list | numpy.datetime64 = (1992, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), scale: float = 1.0) ndarray[source]

Calculate the time in units since epoch from calendar dates

year: np.ndarray

calendar year

month: np.ndarray

month of the year

day: np.ndarray

day of the month

hour: np.ndarray or float, default 0.0

hour of the day

minute: np.ndarray or float, default 0.0

minute of the hour

second: np.ndarray or float, default 0.0

second of the minute

epoch: tuple or list, default pyTMD.time._tide_epoch

epoch for output delta_time

scale: float, default 1.0

scaling factor for converting time to output units

delta_time: np.ndarray

time since epoch

pyTMD.time.convert_calendar_decimal(year: ndarray, month: ndarray, day: ndarray, hour: numpy.ndarray | float | None = None, minute: numpy.ndarray | float | None = None, second: numpy.ndarray | float | None = None, DofY: numpy.ndarray | float | None = None) ndarray[source]

Converts from calendar date into decimal years taking into account leap years

year: np.ndarray

calendar year

month: np.ndarray

calendar month

day: np.ndarray, float or NoneType, default None

day of the month

hour: np.ndarray, float or NoneType, default None

hour of the day

minute: np.ndarray, float or NoneType, default None

minute of the hour

second: np.ndarray, float or NoneType, default None

second of the minute

DofY: np.ndarray, float or NoneType, default None

day of the year

t_date: np.ndarray

date in decimal-year format



N. Dershowitz, and E. M. Reingold. Calendrical Calculations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (2008).

pyTMD.time.convert_julian(JD: ndarray, **kwargs)[source]

Converts from Julian day to calendar date and time

JD: np.ndarray

Julian Day (days since 01-01-4713 BCE at 12:00:00)

astype: str or NoneType, default None

convert output to variable type

format: str, default ‘dict’

format of output variables

  • 'dict': dictionary with variable keys

  • 'tuple': tuple in most-to-least-significant order

  • 'zip': aggregated variable sets

year: np.ndarray

calendar year

month: np.ndarray

calendar month

day: np.ndarray

day of the month

hour: np.ndarray

hour of the day

minute: np.ndarray

minute of the hour

second: np.ndarray

second of the minute



W. H. Press, Numerical Recipes in C, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling. Cambridge University Press, (1988).


D. A. Hatcher, “Simple Formulae for Julian Day Numbers and Calendar Dates”, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 25(1), 1984.

class pyTMD.time.timescale(MJD=None)[source]

Class for converting between time scales

leaps: np.ndarray

Number of leap seconds

MJD: np.ndarray

Modified Julian Days

from_deltatime(delta_time: ndarray, epoch: str | tuple | list | numpy.ndarray, standard: str = 'UTC')[source]

Converts a delta time array and into a timescale object

delta_time: np.ndarray

seconds since epoch

epoch: str, uuple, list or np.ndarray

epoch for input delta_time

standard: str, default ‘UTC’

time standard for input delta_time

from_datetime(dtime: ndarray)[source]

Reads a datetime array and converts into a timescale object

dtime: np.ndarray

numpy.datetime64 array

to_deltatime(epoch: str | tuple | list | numpy.ndarray, scale: float = 1.0)[source]

Convert a timescale object to a delta time array

epoch: str, tuple, list, or np.ndarray

epoch for output delta_time

scale: float, default 1.0

scaling factor for converting time to output units

delta_time: np.ndarray

time since epoch


Convert a timescale object to a datetime array

dtime: np.ndarray

numpy.datetime64 array

to_string(unit: str = 's', **kwargs)[source]

Convert a timescale object to a formatted string array

unit: str, default ‘s’

datetime unit for output string array

**kwargs: dict

keyword arguments for datetime formatting

polynomial_sum(coefficients: list | numpy.ndarray, t: ndarray)[source]

Calculates the sum of a polynomial function of time

coefficients: list or np.ndarray

leading coefficient of polynomials of increasing order

t: np.ndarray

delta time in units for a given astronomical longitudes calculation


Earth Rotation Angle (ERA) in degrees


Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) in degrees


Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) in fractions of day


Seconds since 2000-01-01T12:00:00


Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) in fractions of a day from the Equinox Method


Days since 1992-01-01T00:00:00


Dynamic Time (TT) as Julian Days


Difference between universal time (UT) and dynamical time (TT)


Centuries since 2000-01-01T12:00:00


Universal Time (UT) as Julian Days

property turnasec

Arcseconds in a full turn

property asec2rad

Arcseconds to radians

property masec2rad

Microarcseconds to radians

property dtype

Main data type of timescale object

property shape

Dimensions of timescale object

property ndim

Number of dimensions in timescale object

pyTMD.time.interpolate_delta_time(delta_file: str | pathlib.Path | None, idays: ndarray)[source]

Calculates the difference between universal time (UT) and dynamical time (TT)

delta_file: str or Pathlib.Path

file containing the delta times

idays: float

input times to interpolate (days since 1992-01-01T00:00:00)

deltat: float

delta time at the input time


  1. Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd edition, 477 pp., (1998).

pyTMD.time.count_leap_seconds(GPS_Time: numpy.ndarray | float, truncate: bool = True)[source]

Counts the number of leap seconds between a given GPS time and UTC

GPS_Time: np.ndarray or float

seconds since January 6, 1980 at 00:00:00

truncate: bool, default True

Reduce list of leap seconds to positive GPS times

n_leaps: float

number of elapsed leap seconds

pyTMD.time.get_leap_seconds(truncate: bool = True)[source]

Gets a list of GPS times for when leap seconds occurred

truncate: bool, default True

Reduce list of leap seconds to positive GPS times

GPS time: float

GPS seconds when leap seconds occurred

pyTMD.time.update_leap_seconds(timeout: int | None = 20, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Connects to servers to download leap-seconds.list files from NIST servers

Servers and Mirrors

timeout: int or None, default 20

timeout in seconds for blocking operations

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file

pyTMD.time.merge_delta_time(username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Connects to servers to download historic_deltat.data and deltat.data files

Reads IERS Bulletin-A produced iers_deltat.data files

Creates a merged file combining the historic, monthly and daily files

Long-term Delta T

username: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata username

password: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata password

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time

pyTMD.time.append_delta_time(verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Appends merged delta time file with values from latest Bulletin-A file

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time

pyTMD.time.merge_bulletin_a_files(username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Attempt to connects to the IERS server and the CDDIS Earthdata server to download and merge Bulletin-A files

Reads the IERS Bulletin-A files and calculates the daily delta times

Servers and Mirrors

username: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata username

password: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata password

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time

pyTMD.time.iers_ftp_delta_time(daily_file: str | pathlib.Path, timeout: int | None = 120, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Connects to the IERS ftp server to download Bulletin-A files

Reads the IERS Bulletin-A files and calculates the daily delta times

Servers and Mirrors

daily_file: str or pathlib.Path

output daily delta time file from merged Bulletin-A files

timeout: int, default 120

timeout in seconds for blocking operations

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time

pyTMD.time.iers_delta_time(daily_file: str | pathlib.Path, timeout: int | None = 120, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Connects to the IERS server to download Bulletin-A files

Reads the IERS Bulletin-A files and calculates the daily delta times

Servers and Mirrors

daily_file: str or pathlib.Path

output daily delta time file from merged Bulletin-A files

timeout: int, default 120

timeout in seconds for blocking operations

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time

pyTMD.time.cddis_delta_time(daily_file: str | pathlib.Path, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Connects to the CDDIS Earthdata server to download Bulletin-A files

Reads the IERS Bulletin-A files and calculates the daily delta times

Servers and Mirrors

daily_file: str

output daily delta time file from merged Bulletin-A files

username: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata username

password: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata password

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time


Read a weekly IERS Bulletin-A file and calculate the delta times (TT - UT1)

fileID: obj

open file object for Bulletin-A file

Y: float,

calendar year

M: float

calendar month

D: float

day of the month

DELTAT: float

difference between universal time and dynamical time


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time

pyTMD.time.update_bulletin_a(timeout: int | None = 20, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Connects to IERS Rapid Service/Prediction Center (RS/PC) and downloads latest Bulletin-A file

Servers and Mirrors

timeout: int or NoneType, default 20

timeout in seconds for blocking operations

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file

pyTMD.time.pull_deltat_file(FILE: str, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, timeout: int | None = 20, verbose: bool = False, mode: oct = 509)[source]

Connects to servers and downloads delta time files

Servers and Mirrors

FILE: str

delta time file to download from remote servers

  • deltat.data: monthly deltat file

  • historic_deltat.data: historic deltat file

username: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata username

password: str or NoneType, default None

NASA Earthdata password

timeout: int or NoneType, default 20

timeout in seconds for blocking operations

verbose: bool, default False

print file information about output file

mode: oct, default 0o775

permissions mode of output file


Delta times are the difference between universal time and dynamical time